
欧佩克+协议抑制页岩热潮 油价处于52美元附近

中国石化新闻网讯 据彭博社12月14日消息,由于欧佩克+组织减产措施的效果仍不确定,石油正在努力在每桶52美元附近站稳脚跟,传奇交易商安迪霍尔表示美国页岩热潮使得全球供应更难预测。 在经历了过去几个交易日的涨跌之后,纽约期货本周下跌0.4%。俄罗斯承诺减产以及沙特阿拉伯下个月削减对美出口的计划,这提振了市场的乐观情绪,认为供过于求的局面是可以避免的。不过,投资者仍对美国产量的提升表示担忧。霍尔在接受采访时说,很难判断“数千个”页岩钻探决定将如何影响市场。 自本月到目前为止,由于投资者评估欧佩克及其盟国所承诺的减产,原油价格自2017年初以来一直处于最窄区间。国际能源署表示,卡特尔成员国的意外停产可能会使其原定的减产措施增加一倍。霍尔表示,交易商在衡量美国油井和钻井平台生产力方面面临巨大差距,这是西德克萨斯和新墨西哥二叠纪盆地未来前景的关键因素。 纽约商品交易所1月交付的西德克萨斯中质原油在新加坡时间下午3:18下跌19美分至每桶52.39美元,这是自11月下半月以来的首次周跌幅。该贸易合约在周四收盘时上涨1.43美元至52.58美元。成交量较100天平均值高出14%。 伦敦ICE期货欧洲交易所2月交付的布伦特原油期货价格下跌39美分至每桶61.06美元。周四期货结算价上涨2.2%至61.45美元。同期,全球基准原油交易价格较西德克萨斯中质原油每桶溢价8.50美元。 曹海斌 摘译自 彭博社 原文如下: Oil Stutters Near $52 as OPEC+ Curbs Weighed Against Shale Surge Oil is struggling to gain a footing near $52 a barrel as the effectiveness of the OPEC+ group’s output curbs remains uncertain, with legendary trader Andy Hall saying the U.S. shale boom has made it harder to predict global supplies. After veering between gains and losses over the past few sessions, New York futures are down 0.4 percent this week. Russia’s pledge to cut as well as Saudi Arabia’s plan to slash exports to the U.S. next month has lifted optimism that a glut can be averted. Still, investors are concerned about booming American output. It’s not easy to tell how “thousands” of individual shale drilling decisions will impact the market, Hall said in an interview. Crude has traded in the narrowest range since early 2017 so far this month as investors assess production cuts pledged by OPEC and its allies. The International Energy Agency said unplanned outages in the cartel’s member states may double its intended curbs. Still, traders face big gaps in gauging U.S. well and rig productivity, key factors going forward for the Permian Basin of West Texas and New Mexico, according to Hall. West Texas Intermediate for January delivery traded 19 cents lower at $52.39 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange at 3:18 p.m. in Singapore, and is poised for its first weekly drop since the second half of November. The contract closed Thursday’s session $1.43 higher at $52.58. Total volume traded was 14 percent above the 100-day average. Brent for February settlement decreased 39 cents to $61.06 a barrel on London’s ICE Futures Europe exchange. Futures settled 2.2 percent higher at $61.45 on Thursday. The global benchmark crude traded at an $8.50 a barrel premium to WTI for the same month.  
