

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯12月14日消息,英国石油公司(BP)周五表示,公司已经批准了位于特立尼达的两个新的海洋天然气开发项目,包括在该区域新建其第十六个海洋生产平台。 BP表示,新建Cassia C生产平台将压缩来自于Greater Cassia Area的天然气,该项目将在2021年第三季度开始生产天然气。 同时,新的Matapal三井项目将开发BP于2017年钻取Savannah勘探井发现的天然气资源。Matapal将于2022年开始生产天然气,产能达到4亿立方英尺/日。 张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: DJ BP Approves Two Offshore Gas Developments in Trinidad BP PLC (BP.LN) said Friday it has sanctioned two new gas developments in offshore Trinidad, including the construction of its sixteenth offshore platform in the area. The company said the new Cassia C platform will compress gas from the Greater Cassia Area, producing first gas in the third quarter of 2021. Meanwhile, the new Matapal three-well project will develop gas resources discovered by BP in 2017 with its Savannah exploration well. Matapal will have a production capacity of 400 million cubic feet of gas a day, with first gas expected in 2022.  
