

中国石化新闻网讯 据安迅思休斯敦12月14日消息,总部位于美国的炼油商菲利浦斯66周五表示,2019年公司计划在其持有50%股权的雪佛龙菲利浦斯化学合资公司中投资5.72亿美元,其中一部分资金将用于继续开发墨西哥湾沿岸的第二个石化项目。 菲利浦斯66称,该公司尚未就该裂解装置项目做出最终投资决定。今年早些时候,这家炼油商表示,这一决定可能在2019年底或2020年初做出。 菲利浦斯66表示,在5.72亿美元资本支出中包括2.82亿美元的持续资本。该公司表示,这笔成长性资金将用于建设可能的石化工厂,以及现有装置可能的消缺项目。 菲利普斯66计划2019年在炼油方面投资9.23亿美元。其中,4.11亿美元将用于增长型资本,其中包括对该公司位于德克萨斯州斯维尼炼油厂的流化催化裂化(FCC)装置进行升级。 总体而言,菲利浦斯66公司明年的资本预算达到22.9亿美元,不包括中游公司菲利浦斯66合伙公司的资本预算。如果将此包括在内,那么菲利浦斯66公司明年的资本预算将达到28.9亿美元。 其他项目包括该公司位于路易斯安那州莱克查尔斯的炼油厂的异构化装置,以及该公司位于德克萨斯州斯威尼中心的30万桶/天的新分馏能力。 张春晓 摘译自 ICIS 原文如下: US Phillips 66 to spend more money on possible cracker for CP Chem Phillips 66 plans to spend $572m for its share of the Chevron Phillips Chemical joint venture in 2019, with some of that money going towards the continued development of a second Gulf Coast petrochemical project, the US based refiner said on Friday. The company has yet to make a final investment decision (FID) on the cracker, it said. Earlier this year, the refiner said that such a decision could be made by late 2019 or early 2020. Out of the $572m, $282m includes sustaining capital, Phillips 66 said. The growth capital will fund the possible petrochemical complex as well possible debottlenecking projects at existing units, the company said. For refining, Phillips 66 plans to spend $923m. Out of this, $411m will go towards growth capital, and this will include an upgrade on of the fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) unit at the company’s Sweeny refinery in Texas. Overall, the 2019 capital budget of Phillips 66 is $2.29bn, excluding the midstream company Phillips 66 Partners. Phillips 66 Partners brings the total to $2.89bn. Other projects include an isomerisation unit at the company’s refinery in Lake Charles, Louisiana, and 300,000 bbl/day of new fractionation capacity at the company’s Sweeny hub in Texas.
