

中国石化新闻网讯 据休斯顿和纽约彭博社12月10日消息,世界最大的独立石油生产商康菲石油公司(ConocoPhillips)首席执行官瑞安·兰斯(Ryan Lance)表示,尽管原油价格暴跌,但明年页岩油产量仍将增长25%,这证明了该行业在动荡的市场中的韧性。 兰斯周一在休斯敦接受采访时说,在美国,康菲石油在鹰福特页岩、二叠纪盆地和巴肯油田的油井在油价徘徊在每桶50美元左右时产生现金。康菲石油第三季度从三个地区合计抽出31.3万桶/日,占基于休斯顿公司全球产量的25%。 美国原油产量激增,造成全球供应过剩,自10月初以来,油价已下跌了三分之一。兰斯说,随后对页岩油利润的挤压可能会使明年的增长放缓,但页岩工业的状况比四年前上一次经济衰退时要好得多。 兰斯说,生产增长“在50美元处放缓,但我认为它不会停止在50美元处,如果价格回到60美元,它肯定会继续。”怀疑论者认为页岩“不会持续很久,但它就在这里,它是一个巨大的资源,它将具有弹性和持久性。” 胡晶晶摘译自彭博社 原文如下 Conoco sees U.S. shale growth at 25% in 2019, even as oil slides ConocoPhillips, the world’s largest independent oil producer, sees shale production growing 25% next year even as crude prices tumble, proving the industry’s resilience in volatile markets, said CEO Ryan Lance. In the U.S., Conoco wells in the Eagle Ford Shale, Permian Basin and the Bakken field generate cash when prices hover around $50/bbl, Lance said in an interview on Monday in Houston. Conoco pumped 313,000 bopd from the three regions combined during the third quarter, or 25% of the Houston-based company’s global production. American crude output is surging, contributing to a global supply glut that has pushed prices down by third since the beginning of October. The subsequent squeeze on shale profits may slow growth next year but the industry is in far better shape than it was at the advent of the last slump four years ago, Lance said. Production growth “slows down at $50 but I don’t think it stops at $50 and it certainly continues if prices get back to $60,” Lance said. Skeptics thought shale “wouldn’t last long but it’s here, it’s a huge resource and it’s going to be resilient and long lasting.”
