中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯2018年12月7日伦敦报道,由于基辅正寻求提高国内天然气产量来减少对进口的依赖,乌克兰政府周四启动了具有里程碑意义的首次国际招标,对外提供30个许可区块的勘探权。 乌克兰国家地质调查局表示,在许可证发放的第一阶段,乌克兰将提供10个区块,有兴趣的国际公司将从周四开始申请,为期90天。 第一次拍卖将于明年3月6日举行。其余20块将在稍后拍卖。 在过去25年里,乌克兰天然气年产量一直稳定在200亿立方米左右,但乌克兰在其陆上区块(包括常规和非常规资源)以及黑海地区拥有巨大的未开发潜力。 在寻求国内生产更多天然气的同时,乌克兰还希望减少进口。2015年11月,乌克兰政府停止了俄罗斯天然气的直接采购,目前进口的天然气全部来自欧洲。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Ukraine launches first international bidding round to boost gas output Ukraine on Thursday launched a landmark international bidding round for the rights to explore at some 30 license areas throughout the country as Kiev seeks to boost its domestic gas production and reduce its import dependency. The State Geological Service of Ukraine said 10 blocks would be offered in the first stage of the licensing round, with applications invited from interested parties from Thursday for a period of 90 days. The first auction will then take place on March 6 next year. The remaining 20 blocks will be auctioned at a later date. Ukraine’s gas production has been steady at some 20 Bcm/year for the past 25 years, but it has vast untapped potential in its onshore blocks — both for conventional and unconventional resources — as well as in the Black Sea. While looking to produce more gas domestically, Ukraine also wants to eliminate imports, which currently all come from Europe after Kiev halted direct Russian gas purchases in November 2015.