中国石化新闻网讯 据俄罗斯Neftegaz.RU网站12月5日阿斯塔纳报道,哈萨克斯坦Kazinform通讯社报道说,哈萨克斯坦国内3大炼油厂之一的阿特劳炼油厂在11月底生产出了全新类型的柴油,这种供冬季使用的柴油燃料能够在摄氏零下32度的天气中使用。 哈萨克斯坦国家石油天然气公司(KazMunayGas)负责运输、加工和营销的副董事长达尼亚尔·蒂索夫在第5届下游里海和中亚国际会议上宣布了这一消息。 蒂索夫说,这种被称为Khazar -32的新型柴油纯粹是一种国内产品。这种柴油可以使柴油车在摄氏零下32度的天气中安全行驶。 Khazar-32柴油完全符合K5生态级。这意味着这种高于K5级的柴油对环境来说更安全。这种新型柴油是在根据炼油厂现代化建造的先进炼油联合体(Advanced Oil Refining Complex)中生产的。 这个先进炼油联合体是哈萨克斯坦内最大的生产满足K4和K5级机油的综合企业,这使得这个炼油厂的石油加工能力提高到550万吨。 李峻 编译自 Neftegaz.RU 原文如下: Kazakhstan produces new type of diesel, Khazar -32 Neftegaz.RU. At the close of November the Atyrau refinery has produced the brand new type of diesel in Kazakhstan, winter diesel fuel with a cold filter plugging point of -32 °C, Kazinform reported. This news was announced by the Deputy Chairman of the Board at KazMunayGas for transportation, processing and marketing Daniyar Tiesov, he told this at the V Downstream Caspian and Central Asia international conference. According to him, the new type of diesel fuel, called Khazar -32, is purely a domestic product. It could be safely operated at -32 degrees Celsius. It completely complies with K5 ecological class. It means the higher the class (K5), the safer is fuel for the environment. The new diesel fuel is manufactured at the Advanced Oil Refining Complex built under the refinery modernization. It is the country’s largest complex to produce motor oil meeting K4 and K5 classes that lets to ramp up oil processing at the refinery up to 5.5 mln tons.