中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯12月6日休斯顿报道,成立仅两年但已在全球液化天然气(LNG)市场上崭露头角的Tellurian公司周四透露已与大宗商品交易商维多集团达成一项初步供应协议,此举朝着为其拟议中的路易斯安那州Driftwood液化天然气出口终端建设商业支持迈出了重要一步。
李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯
原文如下: Tellurian inks preliminary offtake deal to supply Driftwood LNG export volumes to Vitol Tellurian took a step Thursday toward building commercial support for its proposed Driftwood LNG export terminal in Louisiana by disclosing that it had reached a preliminary supply deal with commodity trader Vitol. The first offtake agreement announced to date by the developer is also believed to be the first long-term LNG contract inked by a US supplier that will be linked to Platts JKM, the benchmark price for spot LNG in Northeast Asia. While spot cargoes from the US are often sold basis JKM, long-term contracts have been mostly linked to the US Henry Hub price. Because of the potential for substantial volatility on the price and cost sides, the contract poses a risk for the developer. But that could be mitigated by setting a floor price that would cover, at minimum, its feedstock cost, which it hopes to keep low by investing in upstream shale production and building pipelines to serve the facility.