

中国石化新闻网讯 据世界天然气网站12月5日报道,韩国造船巨头大宇造船和海洋工程公司(DSME)赢得了一项协议,根据该协议,它可能为一位身份不明的美国老板建造六艘价值约11亿美元的液化天然气(LNG)运输船。 大宇在周三的一份声明中说,两艘1.74万亿立方米的LNG运输船已经签署了价值约3.7亿美元的合同,另外还有四艘船只可供选择。 根据该造船厂的说法,其他四艘液化天然气运输船的交易可能会在2019年完成。 已确认的两艘液化天然气运输船将在Okpo造船厂建造,预计将于2021年上半年交付给美国船东。 这些船舶将由M型电子控制气体喷射(MEGI)发动机提供动力,并将在船上安装完整的再液化系统。 DSME在声明中表示,由于液化天然气运输船运费激增,最近液化天然气运输行业形势有所改善。 该造船厂在2018年赢得了约58.4亿美元的船舶订单,其中包括14艘液化天然气运输船。 李方征 编译自 世界天然气 原文如下: South Korea’s DSME in $1.1 billion US LNG carrier deal South Korean shipbuilding giant Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering (DSME) has won a deal under which it may build up to six liquefied natural gas (LNG) carriers with a price tag of about $1.1 billion for an unidentified US owner. Daewoo said in a statement on Wednesday that firm contracts have been signed for two 174,000-cbm LNG carriers for about $370.1 million with an option for four additional vessels. The deal for the additional four LNG carriers could be finalized in 2019, according to the shipyard. The two LNG carriers that have been confirmed will be built at the Okpo shipyard and are expected to be delivered to the US owner in the first half of 2021. These vessels will be powered by the M-type, electronically controlled, gas injection (MEGI) engines and will have full reliquefaction systems installed onboard. DSME said in the statement that the situation in the LNG shipping industry has improved recently due to a surge in LNG carrier freight rates. The shipbuilder has won about $5.84 billion worth of ship orders in 2018, including 14 LNG carriers.
