

据中国石化新闻网讯 路透社12月5日新德里报道,印度石油天然气公司(ONGC)的一位高级官员表示,该公司已从委内瑞拉石油公司(PDVSA)收到3200万美元的付款,作为解决未偿还股息的一部分,并表示希望委内瑞拉国有石油公司能定期支付更多款项。 “这是一个良好的发展,” 印度石油天然气公司海外投资部门ONGC Videsh的董事总经理NK Verma说。 “在这期间,由于他们国家的财政紧张,出现了一些停顿。我们希望现在PDVSA能够正常运行,并且商定的机制能够继续下去。”Verma补充道。 ONGC拥有委内瑞拉圣克里斯托瓦尔项目40%的股份,其余部分由PDVSA持有。 2016年,PDVSA和ONGC Videsh签署了一项协议,意味着这家国有的印度公司将从每天17,000桶石油的销售中获得资金,以结清5.37亿美元的未偿还股息。PDVSA支付了大约9000万美元,但还没有支付剩余的费用。 PDVSA面临美国和国际法院就未决债务提起的诉讼,最近已经开始向一些债权人(主要是石油公司)支付款项,以避免资产被没收。 该公司还试图通过努力履行对外国合作伙伴的部分义务,来刺激对委内瑞拉日益解体的石油行业的投资。委内瑞拉的石油年产量正处于近70年来的最低水平。 上个月,路透社报道称,PDVSA已经运送了价值约3500万美元的原油货物,这笔钱将用于支付给ONGC Videsh。 李方征 编译自 路透社 原文如下: ONGC gets $32 million payment from Venezuela’s PDVSA India’s Oil and Natural Gas Corp has received a payment of $32 million from Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) as part of a settlement of outstanding dividend payments and said it now hopes that Venezuela’s state oil firm will be regular in making further payments, a senior ONGC official said. “It is a good development,” said N. K. Verma, managing director of ONGC Videsh, the overseas investment arm of ONGC. “In between there was some break because of financial strain in their country. We hope now PDVSA will be regular and the agreed mechanism will continue,” Verma added. ONGC has a 40 percent stake in Venezuela’s San Cristobal project, with PDVSA holding the remainder. In 2016, PDVSA and ONGC Videsh signed a deal that meant the state-owned Indian firm would get money from the sale of 17,000 barrels per day of oil to settle outstanding dividend payments of $537 million. PDVSA paid about $90 million of that but has not paid the rest. PDVSA, which faces U.S. and international court actions over pending debts, recently has begun paying some creditors, mostly in oil, to avoid asset seizures. The company is also seeking to stimulate investment in Venezuela’s unraveling oil industry, where annual production is at its lowest in almost seven decades, by trying to meet some of its obligations to foreign partners. Last month, Reuters reported that PDVSA had shipped a crude cargo valued at about $35 million and that the money realised would be used for a payment to ONGC Videsh.  
