

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社墨尔本12月5日消息,一家总部位于韩国的公司提议在澳大利亚东海岸建立一个进口液化天然气的终端,这是世界第二大液化天然气出口国此类项目的第五项提案。 过去两年,澳大利亚东海岸新建了三家液化天然气出口工厂,将东南部市场的天然气抽走,并将悉尼等地的天然气批发价格翻了近三倍。 新成立的液化天然气浮动储存和再气化单元(FSRU)项目开发公司EPIK周三表示,已与纽卡斯尔港签署协议,对拟议的FSRU进行初步工作,该项目将耗资4.3亿美元,其中包括陆上基础设施。 EPIK常务董事Jee Yoon在一份声明中说:“我们有信心通过新的低成本FSRU终端进口LNG,我们将能够提供一个基础设施解决方案,能够向该地区提供成本效益高的替代天然气供应来源。” 纽卡斯尔港是全球最大的煤炭出口码头。该港口表示,该计划符合其自身多元化的努力。由于全球减少碳排放的努力,该港口面临煤炭出口的长期下滑。 港口发言人Sam Collyer说:“纽卡斯尔港是一个独特的深水港,拥有令人羡慕的土地和航道容量。” EPIK驻休斯顿的发言人拒绝透露纽卡斯尔液化天然气的融资来源。 4亿美元至4.3亿美元的成本远高于其他四个LNG进口项目的预算,其中一个在新南威尔士州,两个在维多利亚州,还有一个在南澳大利亚州。 这些项目的目标是在2020年或2021年左右开始进口液化天然气,尽管澳大利亚政府大宗商品预测机构7月份的一份报告称,这种经济模式可能行不通,因为在2022年后可能很难找到廉价的液化天然气。 瑞士信贷分析师Saul Kavonic表示,没有足够的市场来推进这五个项目。 陈菲 摘译自 路透社 原文如下: South Korean firm proposes building LNG import terminal in Australia A South Korea-based company has proposed building a terminal on Australia’s east coast to import liquefied natural gas, the fifth proposal for such a project in the world’s No.2 LNG exporter. The proposals have come after three new LNG export plants on the east coast have sucked gas out of the southeastern market and nearly tripled wholesale gas prices in places such as Sydney over the past two years. EPIK, a newly-formed LNG floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU) project development company, on Wednesday said it had signed an agreement with the Port of Newcastle to do preliminary work on a proposed FSRU that it estimated would cost up to $430 million, including onshore infrastructure. “We are confident that by importing LNG via a new, low-cost FSRU terminal, we will be able to provide an infrastructure solution that is capable of delivering a cost-efficient source of alternative gas supplies to the region,” EPIK Managing Director Jee Yoon said in a statement. Port of Newcastle, the world’s largest coal export terminal, said the plan was in line with its own efforts to diversify. The port faces the long-term decline of coal exports due to the global drive to cut carbon emissions. “Port of Newcastle is uniquely placed as a deepwater port with enviable land and channel capacity,” said the port’s spokesman, Sam Collyer. EPIK’s spokesman, based in Houston, declined to say where the financing for Newcastle LNG would come from. The $400 million to $430 million cost is well above estimates for four other proposed LNG import projects – one in New South Wales, two in the state of Victoria and one in South Australia. Those projects aim to start importing LNG around 2020 or 2021, despite a report by the Australian government’s commodities forecaster in July saying the economics might not work as it might be difficult to find cheap LNG beyond 2022. Credit Suisse analyst Saul Kavonic said there was not enough of a market for all five projects to go ahead.
