
欧佩克保证供应 原油期货价格持续上行

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯12月4日新加坡消息称,由于欧佩克官员向市场保证,尽管卡塔尔意外退出该组织,但他们本周仍致力于达成新的产量协议,亚洲原油期货价格在周二早盘中段走高,延续周一的上涨趋势。 新加坡时间上午10:30(格林尼治标准时间0230),ICE 2月布伦特原油期货价格从周一收盘价62.23美元/桶上涨54美分/桶(涨幅0.88%),而NYMEX 1月轻质低硫原油期货价格上涨56美分/桶(涨幅1.06%)至每桶53.51美元。 卡塔尔能源部长Saad Al-Kaabi周一宣布,在经过57年的成员资格后,这个富含天然气的酋长国将于明年1月1日退出欧佩克,专注于建立其作为世界最大液化天然气供应国的地位。 虽然在声明之后油价有所反应,但欧佩克官员后来向市场保证,欧佩克成员国将在本周晚些时候在维也纳举行的会议上达成新的产量协议。 阿联酋能源部长和欧佩克主席Suhail al-Mazrouei周一在谈到卡塔尔的决定时告诉普氏:“这不会使我们正在做的任何事情复杂化。” 德国商业银行分析师在一份报告中表示:“即使卡塔尔不是欧佩克成员国,它是否会签署减产计划仍有待观察。” 欧佩克将于周四举行会议,讨论削减产量的必要性,沙特阿拉伯、阿联酋和其他成员国表示,减产对于防止2019年上半年出现石油供过于求的局面是必要的。俄罗斯和其他九个主要非欧佩克合作伙伴将于周五参加会谈。 分析师表示,自10月3日油价达到86美元/桶以来,油价已经暴跌30%,投资者希望欧佩克通过减产以追回油价亏损。 高盛分析师在一份报告中表示:“我们认为,要使油价回升,欧佩克产量下降的幅度必须足够大,以扭转目前出现的反季节性的大规模库存增加。” 对未来几天公布的美国原油库存数据的看好预期也在周二提供支撑。 普氏周一接受调查的分析师表示,截至11月30日当周,美国原油库存减少了239万桶至4.481亿桶。 据接受调查的分析师称,预期的收益来自美国炼油厂开采率上涨1.2个百分点。这将使全国炼油厂的产能利用率达到96.8%。 如果美国能源情报署(US Energy Information Administration)确认,油价下跌将导致库存连续10周增加。 截至格林威治标准时间0230,美元指数下跌0.11%至96.787点。 曹海斌 摘译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Crude oil futures extend uptrend as OPEC reassures on supply Crude oil futures were higher during mid-morning trade in Asia Tuesday, continuing the uptrend seen Monday, as OPEC officials reassured the market they were committed to reaching a new output deal this week despite Qatar’s surprise withdrawal from the group. At 10:30 am Singapore time (0230 GMT), ICE February Brent crude futures were up 54 cents/b (0.88%) from Monday’s settle at $62.23/b, while the NYMEX January light sweet crude contract was 56 cents/b (1.06%) higher at $53.51/b. Qatari energy minister Saad Al-Kaabi Monday announced the gas-rich sheikhdom will exit OPEC on January 1 after 57 years of membership to concentrate on building its position as the world’s top LNG supplier. While there was an initial price reaction to the announcement, OPEC officials later reassured the market that a new output deal would be agreed among member countries at their meeting later this week at Vienna. “This won’t complicate anything we are doing,” UAE energy minister and OPEC President Suhail al-Mazrouei told S&P Global Platts Monday, referring to Qatar’s decision. “It remains to be seen whether Qatar will sign up to the production cuts even as a non-OPEC member,” Commerzbank analysts said in a note. OPEC meets Thursday to debate the need for output cuts, which Saudi Arabia, the UAE and other members say are necessary to prevent an oversupply in the first half of 2019. Russia and nine other key non-OPEC partners will join the talks Friday. Oil prices have plunged 30% since peaking at $86/b on October 3 and investors are looking to OPEC to cut output for prices to retrace losses, analysts said. “For prices to recover, we believe the decline in OPEC production needs to be large enough to reverse the counter-seasonally large inventory builds that are currently taking place,” Goldman Sachs analysts said in a note. Bullish expectations over US crude inventory data due for release in coming days also provided support Tuesday. Analysts surveyed Monday by Platts were looking for US crude stocks to have declined by 2.39 million barrels to around 448.1 million barrels in the week ended November 30. The anticipated draw comes amid an expected 1.2 percentage point uptick in US refinery runs, according to analysts surveyed. This would bring nationwide refinery utilization up to 96.8% of capacity. If confirmed by the US Energy Information Administration, a fall would snap 10 consecutive weeks of inventory gains. As of 0230 GMT, the US Dollar Index was down 0.11% at 96.787.  
