中国石化新闻网讯 据RZNews网站12月3日休斯敦报道,美国威德福国际有限公司(Weatherford International plc)周一宣布,该公司日前已完成出售其在沙特阿拉伯的钻井业务。 威德福公司以9250万美元的价格把其精确钻井服务沙特阿拉伯(PDSSA)陆上钻井业务出售给了ADES国际控股有限公司(ADES)。此次出售包括11部钻机、923名员工和相关客户合同。 威德福国际有限公司说,该公司计划利用出售沙特阿拉伯钻井业务所得减少公司的债务。 ADES首席执行官穆罕默德·法鲁克博士在一份公司声明中表示:“我们现在已经完成了对美国威德福国际有限公司的大部分收购,这对本公司来说是一次转型,它将显著增加我们在陆上钻井市场的规模、知名度和曝光度。” 李峻 编译自 RZNews 原文如下: ADES Buys 11 Drilling Rigs from Weatherford Weatherford International plc has completed the sale of its Saudi Arabia Drilling operations the company announced Monday. Weatherford has sold its Precision Drilling Services Saudi Arabia (PDSSA) land drilling operations to ADES International Holding Ltd. (ADES) for $92.5 million. The sale includes 11 drilling rigs, 923 employees and associated customer contracts. Weatherford plans to use proceeds from the sale to reduce its debt. “We have now completed the majority of the Weatherford acquisition, which is transformational for the group, significantly increasing our size, visibility and exposure in the onshore market,” Dr. Mohamed Farouk, ADES CEO said in a company statement.