

中国石化新闻网讯 据俄罗斯Neftegaz.RU网站11月30日奥斯陆报道,荷兰皇家壳牌公司麾下的挪威分公司A/ S挪威壳牌公司日前完成了以45.2亿挪威克朗(5.26亿美元)的价格向挪威新组建的油气勘探和生产公司OKEA AS出售其位于挪威两油田Draugen油田 和Gjøa油田的股份。 壳牌公司在11月30日发布了这个消息。 随着交易完成,壳牌公司退出其在Draugen油田持有的44.56%的运营权益和在Gjøa油田持有的12%非运营权益,占到A/S挪威壳牌公司去年总产量的大约14%。根据合同有关业务连续性的规定,153名职员将从壳牌公司调动到OKEA AS公司。 A/S挪威壳牌公司总经理里奇·丹尼说:“尽管2018年6月达成的《销售与购买协议》时间紧迫,但交易今天还是完成了。壳牌公司与OKEA的良好合作以及与挪威当局的建设性对话使达成交易成为可能。” 丹尼说,壳牌公司仍将致力于挪威,包括挪威大陆架最大气田Ormen Lange气田和Knarr气田的运营商以及Kroll、Valemon 和Kvitebjørn气田的合作伙伴。A/S 挪威壳牌公司继续是Nyhamna天然气处理厂的技术服务提供商以及是位于蒙斯塔德的挪威Full Scale CCS项目的Northern Lights和CCS测试设施的合作伙伴。 这笔交易是壳牌公司全球价值驱动的300亿美元资产剥离计划的一部分,它符合壳牌公司优质简化投资组合的战略。 李峻 编译自 Neftegaz.RU 原文如下: Shell to sell Draugen and Gjøa interests to OKEA AS Neftegaz.RU. A/S Norske Shell has completed the sale of its interests in the Draugen and Gjøa fields in Norway for 4,52 Billion NOK (~US$526 million*) to OKEA AS. Shell reported this on 30, November With the deal completion, Shell exits its 44.56% operated interest in the Draugen field and 12% non-operated interest in the Gjøa field, representing approximately 14% of A/S Norske Shell’s total production in 2017.153 staff transfer from Shell to OKEA on their contracts of employment and with full continuity of service. “Today’s deal completion was achieved despite a tight timeline from the Sales and Purchase Agreement in June 2018.It was made possible by good collaboration between Shell and OKEA and with constructive dialogue with the Norwegian Authorities”, said Rich Denny, Managing Director of A/S Norske Shell. Shell remains committed to Norway, including as operator of Ormen Lange and Knarr and as partner in Troll, Valemon and Kvitebjørn.A/S Norske Shell continues to be the Technical Service Provider of the Nyhamna Gas Processing Plant, and partner in the Norwegian Full Scale CCS project Northern Lights and CCS test facility at Mongstad. This deal is part of Shell’s global, value-driven $30 billion divestment programme, and consistent with the strategy to high-grade and simplify the portfolio.  
