

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯12月3日消息,瑞士信贷表示,10月和11月原油价格暴跌,可能会引发一轮油气行业并购热潮,因为在本季度开始前,由于油价走强,许多全球油气公司现金充裕。该投资银行注意到,油气公司最近的利润率甚至比2012年上一次油价大幅上涨时还要高,当时油价平均为每桶110美元。瑞士信贷表示:“我们推测,一些寻求利用意外之财进行投资的大型企业,可能会利用油价下跌的机会,向规模较小的企业发起冲击。”瑞士信贷认为澳大利亚的伍德赛德、桑托斯和Beach公司可能成为更大玩家的并购目标。该投行补充称,规模较小的生产商也可能有竞购者。 张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: DJ Oil’s Slump Could Boost M&A Down Under Crude’s plunge in October and November could result in a bout of sector M&A, says Credit Suisse, as many global oil-and-gas companies are flush with cash thanks to oil’s strength before this quarter began. The investment bank notes recent margins have been even higher for firms than in the last big oil rally in 2012, when prices averaged $110/barrel. “We surmise that some larger companies, looking for ways to deploy their cash windfall, may take advantage of a dip in oil prices to pounce on smaller players,” says Credit Suisse. In Australia, it thinks Woodside, Santos and Beach could be targets among bigger players there. Smaller producers are also liable to have suitors as well, the bank adds.
