

中国石化新闻网讯 据OGJ网12月3日消息 11月29日的交易中,一月交割的轻质低硫原油价格一度跌破每桶50美元,但收盘时反弹至51.45美元/桶,上涨1.16美元。当天的低点是49.53/桶,当天的高点是52.50/桶。 11月30日至12月1日在阿根廷举行的G20峰会期间,石油输出国组织和一些由俄罗斯牵头的非欧佩克生产国讨论了产量问题,为12月6日至7日在维也纳举行的欧佩克会议做准备。 萨克森银行大宗商品策略主管汉森表示,布宜诺斯艾利斯举行的G20会议是各国政府高级官员讨论贸易问题和石油政策之间的一个对主要事件有着隐晦侧重点的危机会议。 预计相关国家官员将分别举行俄罗斯和沙特阿拉伯官员的集会。 主要石油生产国讨论了欧佩克和其他与欧佩克合作的国家的集体产量是否减产150万桶/日。油价在不到2个月内下降了30%以上。 汉森说:“爬楼梯、下电梯最能描述过去几年原油价格走势。”他说,如果美国在布宜诺斯艾利斯会议期间的贸易谈判能够缓和紧张局势,那么沙特和俄罗斯关于削减石油产量的谈判会得到支持。 沙特阿拉伯石油部长法利赫正在游说欧佩克成员国和俄罗斯加入提议的减产计划,以支撑油价。 一些欧佩克成员国认为,沙特阿拉伯正受到美国总统特朗普的影响,特朗普曾公开呼吁欧佩克通过增加石油产量来维持低油价。 王磊 摘译自 OGJ 原文如下: The light, sweet crude oil price for January delivery briefly slipped below $50/bbl during Nov. 29 trading, but it bounced to $51.45/bbl by closing, up $1.16. The day’s low was $49.53/bbl compared with the day’s high of $52.50/bbl. The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and some non-OPEC producers, led by Russia, discussed production levels during a G20 meeting in Argentina Nov. 30-Dec. 1 in preparation for a Dec. 6-7 OPEC meeting in Vienna. Ole Hansen, head of commodity strategy at Saxo Bank, said the G20 meeting in Buenos Aires is “a virtual sideshow to the main events—the crunch meetings,” between high-ranking officials of various governments to discuss trade issues and oil policy. Gatherings are expected between China and US officials with separate gatherings between officials from Russia and Saudi Arabia. Major oil producers discussed whether to cut production by as much as 1.5 million b/d from the collective output of OPEC and others cooperating with OPEC. Oil prices have declined more than 30% in less than 2 months. “Taking the stairs up and the elevator down best describes the price behavior in crude oil these past couple of years,” Hansen said. He said Saudi-Russian talks to cut oil production could be supported if US-China trade talks during the Buenos Aires meeting were to lessen tensions. Saudi Arabia Oil Minister Khalid al-Falih is lobbying OPEC members and Russia to join the proposed production cuts to support oil prices. Some OPEC members believe Saudi Arabia is being influenced by US President Donald Trump who publicly has called for the cartel to keep oil prices low by producing more oil.  
