

中国石化新闻网讯 据纽约普氏能源资讯12月3日消息,加拿大阿尔伯塔省总理瑞秋·诺特莉周日表示,从2019年1月1日起,阿尔伯塔省将强制减产325000桶/天,以收紧原油价格的大幅折扣。 “这是一个短期措施,” 诺特莉在网络直播新闻发布会上说。 诺特莉说,从长远来看,加拿大将集中精力建设新的管道,并购买铁路车以将更多的原油运出阿尔伯塔。她说,这些新的轨道车将于明年上线。 诺特莉说,325000桶/天,即8.7%的原油减产幅度将扩大到所有生产商,而且在一年中的减产幅度将会下降。 加拿大石油生产商协会(CanadianAssociationofPetroleumPro.rs)的最新预测显示,加拿大西部的石油日产量从2018年估计的454万桶增至2023年的520万桶,2035年为620万桶。 诺特莉上周说,她向加拿大总理贾斯廷·特鲁多提交了一项提案,要求联邦政府与阿尔伯塔省联合购买装置列车和7000辆汽车,以将更多的原油运出阿尔伯塔。 诺特莉说,阿尔伯塔已经与第三方就购买这些轨道车进行了谈判,并预计几周后达成协议。增加的火车将能够装运120000桶/天的原油,她说。 根据加拿大国家能源委员会的最新数据,9月份加拿大的铁路原油平均出口量达到创纪录的269829桶/天,比8月份增加40285桶/天。 普氏分析预计,冬季铁路原油出口平均需要超过30万桶/日,才能让市场放开。 11月初,一些加拿大生产商宣布减产,其中包括加拿大自然资源、MEG能源和新能源公司。 胡晶晶摘译自普氏能源资讯 原文如下 Alberta to mandate 325,000 oil production cut starting Jan 1: Premier Alberta will mandate a 325,000 b/d oil production cut starting January 1, 2019 in order to tighten wide crude price discounts, the province’s Premier, Rachel Notley, said Sunday. “This is a short-term measure,” Notley said during a webcast press conference. In the long term, Notley said she will focus on getting new pipelines built and purchasing rail cars to move more crude out of Alberta. Those new rail cars will start coming on line next year, she said. The 325,000 b/d, or 8.7%, crude production cut will be spread out to all producers, Notley said, and over the course of the year the amount of the cut will drop. The Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers’ latest forecast shows Western Canadian production rising from an estimated 4.54 million b/d in 2018 to 5.2 million b/d in 2023, and 6.2 million b/d in 2035. Notley said last week she submitted a proposal to Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau asking the federal government to join Alberta in buying unit trains and up to 7,000 cars to move additional crude out of Alberta. Notley said Alberta is already in negotiations with a third party to purchase the rail cars, and anticipates a deal to get done in weeks. The additional trains would be able to move 120,000 b/d of crude, she said. Canada’s crude-by-rail exports averaged a record 269,829 b/d in September, up 40,285 b/d from August, according to the latest figures from the country’s National Energy Board. Platts Analytics expects that crude-by-rail exports will need to average over 300,000 b/d during the winter for the market to clear. Some Canadian producers earlier in November announced production reductions, including Canadian Natural Resources, MEG Energy and Cenovus Energy.
