
澳大利亚:Bayu Undan合资公司为达尔文LNG项目提供更多天然气

中国石化新闻网讯 据世界天然气12月3日报道称,澳大利亚液化天然气公司桑托斯表示,产自Bayu Undan加密井项目的第三口井(也是最后一口)的首桶天然气,为位于澳大利亚北部Wickham Point 的达尔文液化天然气厂提供了更多资源。 作为位于帝汶海的Bayu Undan天然气/凝析油项目长期发展计划的一部分,桑托斯去年1月做出了最终投资决定。 桑托斯在一份声明中说,该钻井项目包括两个平台井和一个连接现有海上基础设施的海底井。 这些井由Noble Tom Prosser钻井平台钻探,该钻井平台现已与桑托斯公司签订合同,承担2019年的钻探计划,包括对近期澳大利亚西部近海发现的Dorado油田的评估工作。 桑托斯持有Bayu Undan合资企业和Darwin LNG工厂11.5%的股权,这两家工厂均由康菲石油公司运营。 桑托斯在声明中称,该公司还拥有Barossa合资企业25%的股权。 Barossa气田目前处于前端工程和设计阶段,是Bayu Undan生产停止时回填达尔文液化天然气的主要候选气田。 Barossa将使桑托斯在澳大利亚北部的产量增加一倍以上,最终投资决定定于2019年末。 徐蕾 摘译自 世界天然气 原文如下: Australia: Bayu Undan JV secures more gas for Darwin LNG Australian LNG played Santos said first gas was produced from the third and final well of the Bayu Undan infill well program, securing more resources for the Darwin LNG plant at Wickham Point in Northern Territory. A final investment decision was made in January last year as part of the long-term development plan for the Bayu Undan gas/condensate project, located in the Timor Sea. The drilling program consisted of two platform wells and one subsea well connecting into existing offshore infrastructure, Santos said in a statement. The wells were drilled with the Noble Tom Prosser rig, which has now been contracted by Santos to undertake a 2019 drilling program, including appraisal of the recent Dorado oil discovery offshore Western Australia. Santos holds an 11.5 percent interest in the Bayu Undan joint venture and the Darwin LNG plant, both operated by ConocoPhillips. Santos also has a 25 percent interest in the Barossa joint venture, the company’s statement reads. The Barossa gas field is currently in front-end engineering and design and is the leading candidate to backfill Darwin LNG when Bayu Undan production ceases. Barossa would more than double Santos’ production in Northern Australia with a final investment decision targeted for late 2019.  
