

中国石化新闻网讯 据OGJ网12月3日消息 根据贝克休斯的数据,截至11月30日的一周,美国钻机数量减少了3台,至1076台。与去年这个时候的929台钻机相比,这个数字上升了147。 在1051台工作的钻机中,每周陆地钻探钻机都在减少一台。近海钻机数量减少了2台,只有23台钻机在工作,而在内陆水域的钻机数量保持不变,但一周也只有2台钻机在工作。 美国石油导向钻机比上周增加2台,达到887台,比一年前本周的749台钻机有所增加。天然气导向钻机下降5台,至189台,比一年前的180台有所上升。 在主要的石油和天然气生产州中,只有四个州在一周内发现钻机的增加。怀俄明州增加了2台钻机,至30台,俄克拉荷马州145台,阿拉斯加州6台,犹他州5台,每个周都只增加了一台。 本周有6个州没有变化:新墨西哥州108台;北达科他州52台;宾夕法尼亚州46台;俄亥俄州16台;加利福尼亚州15台;堪萨斯州0台。 最大的减少来自路易斯安那州,减少了4台,使总数减少到65台。西弗吉尼亚下降2台,至11台。随着单钻机数量的减少,德克萨斯州的钻机周数为531台,而科罗拉多州的单钻机数量下降使得总钻机数量为33台。 加拿大钻机数量在本周下降了5台。随着199台钻机的运行,这个数字比一年前这个星期的222台钻机还要少。这5套装置是石油导向的,使本周石油导向钻机数量达到119。加拿大的天然气钻井数量保持不变,为80台。 王磊 摘译自 OGJ 原文如下: The US drilling rig count is down 3 units to 1,076 rigs working for the week ended Nov. 30, according to Baker Hughes data. The count is up 147 units from the 929 rigs working this time a year ago. At 1,051 rigs working, one less unit is drilling on land week-over-week. Offshore units are down by 2 to reach 23 rigs working, while those drilling in inland waters remain unchanged at 2 rigs working for the week. US oil-directed rigs are up 2 units from last week to 887 units working, and up from the 749 rigs drilling for oil this week a year ago. Gas-directed rigs are down 5 units at 189, and up from the 180 units drilling for gas a year ago. Among the major oil and gas-producing states, only four saw an increase in rigs week over week. Wyoming saw a 2-rig increase to 30, while Oklahoma, 145; Alaska, 6; and Utah, 5; each added a single unit. Six states are unchanged this week: New Mexico, 108; North Dakota, 52; Pennsylvania, 46; Ohio, 16; California, 15; and Kansas, 0. The largest decrease comes from Louisiana where a 4-unit drop brought the total number of rigs running to 65. West Virginia dropped 2 units to reach 11 rigs. With a one-rig decrease, Texas stands at 531 rigs working for the week, while Colorado’s single-rig drop brings the total to 33 rigs running. Canada’s rig count is down 5 units for the week. With 199 rigs running, the count is less than the 222 units drilling this week a year ago. The 5 units are oil-directed, bringing the oil-directed rig count to 119 for the week. Gas-directed rigs in Canada remains unchanged at 80 units.  
