

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社新加坡报道,因中美两国达成协议,且本周欧佩克将举行会议(预计会议将促成石油供应的减少),油价在周一上涨逾4%。 在格林尼治时间07:39时,美国西德克萨斯中质原油期货CLc1价格为每桶53.41美元,每桶上涨2.48美元,较上次收盘上涨了4.9%。 加拿大宣布,阿尔伯塔省将强制生产商减产8.7%,即每天减少32.5万桶的产量,以应对导致原油库存增加的管道瓶颈,从而进一步推高了美国原油价格(阿尔伯塔的大部分石油出口到美国)。 新加坡期货经纪公司Oanda亚太区交易主管Stephen Innes表示,阿尔伯塔的决定为缓解加拿大能源行业的危机迈出了前所未有的一步。 国际布伦特原油期货LCOc1每桶上涨2.66美元,涨幅4.5%,至每桶62.12美元。 除欧佩克以外,俄罗斯能源部周日公布的数据显示,11月份俄罗斯石油产量为1137万桶/日,低于苏联解体后在10月创纪录的1141万桶/日。 与此同时,美国的石油生产商继续生产创纪录数量的石油,原油产量达到了前所未有的水平,超过1150万桶/日。 由于钻井活动仍然很活跃,大多数分析师预计美国的石油产量将在2019年进一步增长。 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: Oil surges on U.S.-China trade war ceasefire, expected supply cuts Oil prices soared by more than 4 percent on Monday after the United States and China agreed to a 90-day truce in their trade war, and ahead of a meeting this week by producer club OPEC that is expected to result in a supply cut. U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures CLc1 were at $53.41 per barrel at 0739 GMT, up $2.48 per barrel, or 4.9 percent from their last close. U.S. crude prices were further pushed up by an announcement from Canada that Alberta province will force producers to cut output by 8.7 percent, or 325,000 barrels per day (bpd), to deal with a pipeline bottleneck that has led to crude building up in storage. Most of Alberta’s oil is exported to the United States. Stephen Innes, head of trading for Asia/Pacific at futures brokerage Oanda in Singapore said Alberta’s decision was “an unprecedented step to ease a crisis in the Canadian energy industry.” International Brent crude oil futures LCOc1 were up $2.66 per barrel, or 4.5 percent, at $62.12 a barrel. Outside OPEC, Russian oil output stood at 11.37 million bpd in November, down from a post-Soviet record of 11.41 million bpd it reached in October, Energy Ministry data showed on Sunday. Meanwhile, oil producers in the United States continue to churn out record amounts of oil, with crude output at an unprecedented level of more than 11.5 million bpd. With drilling activity still high, most analysts expect U.S. oil production to rise further in 2019. ​
