中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯11月30日华盛顿特区报道,在经过了数个月的拖延以后,特朗普政府周五宣布,美国政府已批准沿美国东海岸对石油和天然气储量进行地震测试,后者是美国大西洋水域开放钻探作业的一个必要步骤。 特朗普政府初步计划在2020年进行两笔大西洋租赁交易,一笔针对南大西洋的钻探权,另一笔针对中-大西洋的钻探权。这将是特朗普政府在其2019年至2024年租赁计划草案中提出的9笔大西洋销售中的第一笔。 在一年内开始的油气地震测试预计将在从特拉华州到佛罗里达州北部的大西洋水域中进行。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: US approves oil, gas seismic testing in Atlantic Ocean After months of delays, the Trump administration announced Friday that it had approved seismic testing for oil and natural gas reserves along the US East Coast, a necessary step in opening US Atlantic waters to drilling. The Trump administration tentatively plans to hold two Atlantic lease sales, one for drilling rights in the South Atlantic and one for rights in the Mid-Atlantic, in 2020. They would be the first of nine Atlantic sales the administration has included in its draft proposed leasing plan for 2019 through 2024. The seismic testing, which is expected to take place in Atlantic waters from Delaware to northern Florida, is expected to begin within a year.