
G20会议前夕油价稳稳固 但供应增长抑制涨势

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社首尔/新加坡11月29日消息,周四油价小幅上扬,因市场乐观预期,即将召开的G20贸易谈判可能有助于全球经济并改善需求,但在美国原油库存触及一年高位后,涨势受限。 格林威治时间0737,美国原油期货CLc1上涨20美分,涨幅0.4%,至每桶50.49美元。油价在去年10月初创下新低后,上一交易日收盘下跌2.5%,至每桶50.29美元。 国际基准布伦特原油LCOc1上涨6美分,涨幅0.1%,至每桶58.82美元,周三下跌2.4%,至每桶58.76美元。 在亚洲早期的交易中,这两个市场的涨幅均超过1%。 CMC Markets和Stockbroking的首席策略师Michael McCarthy表示:“我们看到了供应的大幅增长,而需求前景受到了质疑。不过,在周五开幕的G20峰会上,我们可能会看到全球贸易问题出现一些进展。” “我认为,在那些潜在的积极需求事件之前,我们看到了一些定位。” 大宗商品市场的投资者期待着世界最大经济体G20领导人在11月30日和12月1日举行的会议。 与此同时,供应增加阻碍了价格上涨。 美国能源情报署周三表示,截至11月23日当周,美国原油库存增加360万桶,达到4.5亿桶,为一年来最多,超出预期。 澳大利亚Rivkin证券投资分析师William O’Loughlin表示:“WTI石油目前的交易价格约每桶50美元,目前的供应过剩状况已经在美国石油库存连续10周增加中得到了体现。” OPEC代表本月稍早对路透表示,OPEC和非OPEC成员国将于12月6日在奥地利维也纳举行会议,讨论新一轮每日减产100 – 140万桶,甚至可能更多。 陈菲 摘译自 路透社 原文如下: Oil prices firm ahead of G20 meeting, but rising supply curbs gains Oil prices edged up on Thursday on optimism that trade talks at the upcoming G20 meeting could help the global economy and improve demand, but gains were curbed after U.S. crude inventories hit their highest in a year. U.S. crude futures CLc1 had risen 20 cents, or 0.4 percent, to $50.49 per barrel by 0737 GMT. The market ended the previous session down 2.5 percent at $50.29 a barrel, after marking its lowest since early October last year. International benchmark Brent crude LCOc1 gained 6 cents, or 0.1 percent, to $58.82 a barrel, having dropped 2.4 percent on Wednesday to $58.76 a barrel. Both markets had climbed more than 1 percent in early Asian trade. “We have seen huge increases in supply and the demand picture is in question. However, we might see some movement on global trade issues at the G20 meeting which starts on Friday,” said Michael McCarthy, chief strategist at CMC Markets and Stockbroking. “I think we are seeing some positioning ahead of those potential demand-positive events.” Investors in commodity markets are looking ahead to the meeting of leaders of the Group of 20 nations (G20), the world’s biggest economies, on Nov. 30 and Dec. 1. Meanwhile, rising supplies are keeping a lid on prices. U.S. crude inventories for the week to Nov. 23 added 3.6 million barrels to the most in a year at 450 million barrels, exceeding expectations, the Energy Information Administration said on Wednesday. [EIA/S] “WTI oil is now trading right around the $50 per barrel level, as the current oversupply situation has now manifested itself in 10 consecutive weekly increases in U.S. oil inventories,” said William O’Loughlin, Investment Analyst at Australia’s Rivkin Securities. The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and non-OPEC members will meet in Vienna, Austria on Dec. 6 to discuss a new round of production cuts of 1 million to 1.4 million barrels per day (bpd) and possibly more, OPEC delegates told Reuters earlier this month.
