

中国石化新闻网讯 据彭博社11月29日消息,根据与丹麦Orsted A/S达成的12年协议,埃克森美孚将在美国增长最快的二叠纪盆地购买500兆瓦的风能和太阳能。据彭博社NEF报道,这是石油公司签署的最大的可再生能源合同。条款没有披露。 BNEF分析师Kyle Harrison表示:“看看其它石油巨头如何回应,将是一件有趣的事情。”“这样的收购在历史上是史无前例的。” 埃克森公司被投资者起诉,称该公司淡化了全球变暖的风险。随着清洁能源变得足够廉价,足以与化石燃料竞争,该公司正转向清洁能源。随着石油产量的增长,该地区的电力需求不断飙升,风力和太阳能发电厂正在建设中。 这家位于得克萨斯州欧文市的石油生产商的发言人Julie King在电子邮件中说:“我们经常评估实现电力供应多元化、确保成本竞争力的机会。”该公司否认在气候变化问题上误导投资者。 二叠纪盆地产量的迅速增长,正帮助埃克森美孚抵消全球其它地区产量下降的影响。但该地区的产量增长如此之快,以至于管道和发电厂等基础设施难以跟上。 今年夏天,二叠纪的一个地区,即特拉华盆地,消耗了相当于350兆瓦的电力,是2015年的三倍。这足以为约280000个美国家庭供电。供应商表示,到2022年,需求可能会再次增加两倍。 根据周三投资者发布的报告显示,埃克森美孚将购买的电力中,有一半将来自Sage Draw风力发电场。Orsted计划在2020年完成建设。其余的将来自二叠纪太阳能发电厂,预计2021年建成。 今年8月,有消息称,埃克森美孚正根据一组潜在开发商的长期合同,寻求可再生能源。 陈菲 摘译自 彭博社 原文如下: Exxon Mobil Corp. will use renewable energy to produce oil in West Texas. Under 12-year agreements with Denmark’s Orsted A/S, Exxon will buy 500 megawatts of wind and solar power in the Permian Basin, the fastest growing U.S. oil field. It is the largest ever renewable power contract signed by an oil company, according to Bloomberg NEF. Terms weren’t disclosed. “It will be interesting to see how the other oil majors respond,” Kyle Harrison, a BNEF analyst, said. “A purchase like this has historically been unprecedented.” Exxon, which was sued by investors who alleged the company downplayed risks of global warming, is turning to clean energy as it becomes cheap enough to compete with fossil fuels. The wind and solar farms are being built in a region where electricity demand is soaring as oil production grows. “We frequently evaluate opportunities to diversify our power supply and ensure competitive costs,” Julie King, a spokeswoman for the Irving, Texas-based oil producer, said in an email. The company denies misleading investors about climate change. Booming production in the Permian Basin is helping Exxon offset declining output elsewhere in the world. But output in the region has grown so fast that infrastructure including pipelines and power plants have struggled to keep up. One area of the Permian, called the Delaware Basin, consumed the equivalent of 350 megawatts this summer, tripling its load from 2015. That’s enough to power about 280,000 U.S. homes. Providers say demand is likely to triple again by 2022. Half the power Exxon will buy will come from the Sage Draw wind farm, which Orsted plans to finish building in 2020, according to a slide from an investor presentation Wednesday. The rest will be from the Permian Solar farm, scheduled to be finished in 2021. In August, Exxon was said to be seeking renewable energy under long-term contracts from a group of potential developers.  
