

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社圣保罗报道,英国石油公司生物燃料首席执行长Mario Lindenhayn周三表示,巴西最新的生物燃料使用政策改善了乙醇生产的前景,应该会吸引对工厂的新投资。 Lindenhayn称,巴西正在推进对这项政策的额外监管,该政策被称为“RenovaBio”,预计将于2020年实施,他补充说,他没有看到明年1月开始运作的当选总统Jair Bolsonaro的政府会设置障碍的迹象。 Lindenhayn在圣保罗的公司办公室发表能源报告时告诉路透社:”巴西正在发出一个非常重要的信号,即他们是非常积极的,该国将创造一个稳定的监管环境,让企业能够投资。” RenovaBio将授权燃料经销商逐步增加其销售的生物燃料数量。该计划旨在到2030年将乙醇的使用量从目前的260亿升提高一倍。该计划还针对生物柴油等其他可再生能源的增加。 BP在巴西有三家乙醇工厂,每年压榨1000万吨甘蔗。去年,该公司与全球领先的乙醇销售商巴西Copersucar公司组建了一家合资企业,共同运营位于圣保罗州保利尼亚的巴西最大的燃料终端之一。 Lindenhayn称,该项目为巴西的工厂提供了一个机会,由于多年的低糖价格和长期的汽油补贴价格导致许多公司倒闭,这些工厂经历了停滞。 “如果方案按计划推进,将是一个很大的机会。他说:“目前没有新的能源项目,而且该国是净燃料进口国。” 在被问及英国石油公司是否有兴趣通过收购增加乙醇产能时(因为有几家金融困难的公司在巴西提供了一些资产),Lindenhayn表示:“我们会看到, 我们会考虑的”。 周三,巴西石油和燃料监管机构ANP在《官方公报》上公布了RenovaBio补充立法的另一部分,规定生物燃料公司必须获得认证。 这样一来,这些工厂将能够发放和交易减排信用额度(CBios),即燃料分销商可以购买的信用额度,以达到目标,以防它们出现问题,尽管仅限于燃料行业,但这将是巴西首个减排市场。 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: BP sees Brazil’s new biofuels policy boosting investment Brazil’s latest policy to boost biofuels use has improved the outlook for ethanol production and should attract new investment in plants, BP Plc’s chief executive for biofuels, Mario Lindenhayn, said on Wednesday. Brazil is advancing with additional regulation for the policy, called RenovaBio and expected to be enacted in 2020, Lindenhayn said, adding that he does not see signs that the government of President-elect Jair Bolsonaro, which kicks off in January, would put up obstacles. “We are very positive. This is a very important signal the country is giving, creating a stable regulatory environment that will allow companies to invest,” Lindenhayn told Reuters on the sidelines of an energy presentation at the company’s corporate office in Sao Paulo. RenovaBio will mandate fuel distributors to gradually increase the amount of biofuels they sell. The program aims to double the use of ethanol by 2030 from around 26 billion liters currently. The program also targets increases for other renewables such as biodiesel. BP has three ethanol mills in Brazil, crushing 10 million tonnes of sugar cane per year. It formed a venture last year with Brazil’s Copersucar, a leading global ethanol seller, to jointly operate one of the largest fuel terminals in the country located in Paulínia, in Sao Paulo state. Lindenhayn said the program provides an opportunity for mills in Brazil, which have experienced stagnation caused by years of low sugar prices and a long period of subsidized gasoline prices that led to the closure of many firms. “If the program advances as planned, it will be a large opportunity. There are no greenfield projects around, and the country is a net fuel importer,” he said. Asked if BP would be interested in increasing ethanol capacity via acquisitions, since there are several assets being offered in Brazil by companies with financial difficulties, Lindenhayn said: “We will see, we will consider.” On Wednesday, Brazilian oil and fuels regulator ANP published in the official gazette another part of RenovaBio complementary legislation, with rules for biofuel companies to obtain certification. With that, the plants will be able to issue and trade emissions reductions credits, called CBios, that fuel distributors could buy to comply with targets in case they fall short. It would be Brazil’s first emissions reductions market, although limited to the fuels industry. ?
