

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社报道,知情人士周三透露,美国管道公司WhiteWater Midstream正在考虑一项出售,这家美国石油和天然气管道运营商公司的私人股本所有者希望其估值超过20亿美元,其中包括债务。 此举表明,随着二叠纪盆地石油和天然气生产的速度超过了该行业将其推向市场的能力,美国页岩繁荣的核心二叠纪盆地的运营管道系统已成为极为宝贵的资产。这导致了一些管道公司或其股份被出售,吸引了私人股本和基础设施建设基金的兴趣。 位于德州奥斯汀的WhiteWater公司成立于2016年,得到了德纳姆资本管理和雷吉蒙特股权合伙人的支持。公司的主要资产是位于二叠纪盆地特拉华地区的阿加布兰卡天然气管道的股份,该管道于今年早些时候开始了商业运营。 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: U.S. pipeline company WhiteWater Midstream eyes $2 billion sale: sources WhiteWater Midstream LLC is exploring a sale that its private equity owners hope will value the U.S. oil and gas pipeline operator at more than $2 billion, including debt, people familiar with the matter said on Wednesday. The move shows how operational pipeline systems in the Permian Basin, the heart of the U.S. shale boom, have become highly-prized assets, as the production of oil and gas in that area has outpaced the ability of the industry to move it to market. This has led to a number of pipeline companies or stakes in them being sold, attracting interest from private equity and infrastructure funds, which like the steady revenue streams these assets generate. Austin, Texas-based WhiteWater was founded in 2016 with backing from Denham Capital Management and Ridgemont Equity Partners. WhiteWater’s main asset is a stake in the Agua Blanca natural gas pipeline in the Delaware portion of the Permian Basin, which commenced commercial operations earlier this year. ?
