

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯11月29日华盛顿报道,美国能源信息署(EIA)周四报告称,去年美国已探明原油和天然气储量创下了历史新高,美国的探明油气储量在过去10年里增长了大约一倍。 EIA在一份新报告中表示:“油价和天然气价格走强,再加上页岩和低渗透地层的持续开发,推动美国已探明油气储量达到了创纪录水平。” 这份报告测量了地质和工程数据表明在现有经济和运行条件下能够从已知油气藏中合理确定回收的探明储量和油气数量。 EIA在报告中说,美国原油探明储量在2017年达到了392亿桶,比2016年增加了64亿桶,同比增长了近20%。去年美国原油加凝析油总储量增加到了420亿桶,比2016年增加了68亿桶,增幅超过了19%。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: US oil, natural gas proved reserves shatter records in 2017: EIA US proved crude oil and natural gas reserves hit record highs last year, roughly doubling in size over a decade, the US Energy Information Administration reported Thursday. “Stronger oil and natural gas prices combined with continuing development of shales and low permeability formations drove these new all-time record levels of proved reserves,” the agency said in a new report. The report measured proved reserves, the oil and gas volumes that geological and engineering data show with a reasonable certainty can be recovered from known reservoirs under existing economic and operating conditions. US crude proved reserves reached 39.2 billion barrels in 2017, up 6.4 billion barrels from 2016, a nearly 20% increase year on year. Crude oil plus condensate reserves climbed to42 billion barrels in 2017, up 6.8 billion barrels, or more than 19%, from 2016, EIA said.  
