中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯11月27日迪拜报道,北欧化工可持续发展和公共事务主管克雷格·哈尔格林周二在迪拜GPCA年会上说,可再生聚合物在未来将是一个主要的增长市场。 哈尔格林表示,北欧化工是唯一一家拥有两家回收公司的聚烯烃生产商,也是第一家签署埃伦·麦克阿瑟基金会新塑料经济计划的大型塑料生产商。 在全球范围内,正在采取措施限制塑料垃圾,提高可回收性。 欧盟委员会的欧洲塑料战略目标是在2030年前把塑料包装中的可回收成分提高到55%。 哈尔格林认为,塑料包装中目前的可回收成分水平只有22.5%。 在世界其他地区,印度承诺在2022年前禁止使用所有一次性塑料,而印度尼西亚则计划在2025年前将整个国家的塑料垃圾减少70%。 哈尔格林补充说,海湾合作委员会“迫切需要提高其回收能力。此外,还需要停止向海外出口废弃塑料垃圾。” 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Recycled polymers will be growth market: Borealis Recycled polymers will be a major growth market in the future, according to Craig Halgreen, head of sustainability and public affairs for Borealis, speaking Tuesday at the GPCA annual meeting in Dubai. Halgreen said Borealis is the only polyolefins producer to own two recycling companies and the first major plastics producer to sign the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s New Plastics Economy initiative. Globally, moves are being made to limit plastic waste and increase recyclability. The European Commission’s European Strategy for Plastics aims to increase recycled content in plastic packaging to 55% by 2030. Halgreen placed existing levels of recycled content in plastic packaging at 22.5%. In other parts of the world, India has pledged to ban all single used plastics by 2022, while Indonesia aims to reduce plastic waste across the archipelago by 70% by 2025. The Gulf Cooperation Council “desperately needs to increase its recycling capacity,” Halgreen said at the Dubai event. It also needs to stop exporting waste abroad, he added.