

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社11月28日报道称,印尼国家石油公司(Pertamina)一名高级官员周三表示,为了保持国内价格稳定,政府将对国家能源企业印尼国家石油公司在2017年的燃油销售成本提供高达13亿美元的赔偿以及补贴。 印尼总统佐科.维多多承诺在2019年大选之前冻结部分消费者燃料和电力价格,尽管全球油价攀升以及卢比贬值。 为了保持价格不变,维多多今年将柴油补贴提高了4倍,至2000卢比/升(合0.1377美元),但让印尼国家石油承担了保持RON 88汽油价格不变所带来的损失。 根据总统的命令,Pertamina还必须在全国范围内以相同的价格出售燃料,这意味着该公司将付出更多成本。这些国家政策削弱了Pertamina的财务状况,削减了其在急需的基础设施上的开支。 Pertamina的财务总监Pahala Mansury表示,政府承诺根据5月份颁布的总统令,偿还该公司的燃油销售费用。 Mansury在新闻发布会上表示,除了补贴之外,Pertamina2017年从政府获得的成本预计将达到12亿至13亿美元。 徐蕾 摘译自 路透社 原文如下: Indonesian govt to refund Pertamina up to $1.3bln for fuel sales costs Indonesia’s government will compensate state energy firm Pertamina up to $1.3 billion for fuel sales costs in 2017 in addition to subsidies, for keeping domestic prices steady, a senior Pertamina official said on Wednesday. Indonesian President Joko Widodo has promised to freeze some consumer fuel and electricity prices ahead of national elections in 2019, despite climbing global oil prices and the rupiah’s depreciation IDR=. Widodo raised subsidies for diesel fuel fourfold to 2,000 rupiah ($0.1377) a litre this year to keep prices unchanged, but made Pertamina shoulder the losses of keeping prices of RON 88 gasoline steady. Under the president’s order, Pertamina must also sell fuel at the same prices across the country, which meant more costs for the company.These state policies have dented Pertamina’s finances and cut its means of spending on much-needed infrastructure. Pertamina’s finance director Pahala Mansury said the government has promised to repay his company’s expenses for fuel sales under a presidential decree issued in May. The estimated costs Pertamina can claim from the government reached $1.2 billion-$1.3 billion from sales in 2017, on top of subsidies, Mansury said at a news conference.  
