
OPEC及北海原油供应中断 油价突破60美元/桶

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社伦敦11月28日消息,因市场预期OPEC及其合作伙伴将于下周决定限制供应,以及北海产量下降,油价周三继续上涨至每桶60美元以上。 石油输出国组织与俄罗斯及其他盟国于将于12月6日至7日举行会议。石油输出国组织代表对路透表示,产油国正在讨论限制原油日产量100 – 140万桶,甚至可能更多。 格林威治标准时间09:19,全球基准布伦特原油LCOc1上涨53美分至每桶60.74美元,最高交易价为每桶61.27美元。 美国原油CLc1上涨41美分至51.97美元。 Petromatrix的分析师Olivier Jakob表示:“如果欧佩克希望市场在2019年上半年减少一点供应过剩,它就需要减产。”不过他补充称,油价上涨是有限的。“我们没有采取重大行动。” 尽管周三油价上涨,布伦特原油价格仍较10月初每桶86美元以上的四年高点下滑30%,因市场担心随着经济增长放缓,2019年供应量将超过需求。 自去年10月以来的油价下跌迄今与2008年的油价暴跌相当,且比2014-2015年的跌幅更大——这两件事促使欧佩克同意限制产量,以支撑市场。 在维也纳召开欧佩克会议之前,20国集团(G20)本周末将在阿根廷召开会议,预计会上将讨论石油政策,可能为欧佩克达成协议奠定基础。 北海原油供应中断也支撑了市场,支撑布伦特原油合约的原油就产自北海。 英国最大的Buzzard油田在发现管道腐蚀后暂时关闭。因此,贸易消息人士称,去年12月的三批原油已被取消。 石油经纪商PVM的Stephen Brennock表示:“几乎没有人会打赌进一步的中断。”他指的是停电对货物装载的影响。 一份显示美国原油库存连续第10周上升的周报告限制了涨势。 美国石油协会(American Petroleum Institute)周二表示,美国原油库存增加350万桶,超过分析师的预期。政府官方供应报告将于周三晚些时候格林尼治标准时间1530公布。 陈菲 摘译自 路透社 原文如下: Oil rises further above $60 as OPEC, North Sea outage support Oil rose further above $60 a barrel on Wednesday, supported by expectations that OPEC and its partners will next week decide to curb supply and helped by a drop in North Sea output. The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries plus Russia and other allies meet on Dec. 6-7. Producers are discussing a supply curb of 1 to 1.4 million barrels per day and possibly more, OPEC delegates have told Reuters. Brent crude LCOc1, the global benchmark, was up 53 cents at $60.74 a barrel at 0919 GMT and traded as high as $61.27. U.S. crude CLc1 added 41 cents to $51.97. “OPEC needs to cut if it wants the market to be a little less over-supplied in the first half of 2019,” said Olivier Jakob, analyst at Petromatrix, although he added the rally was limited. “We are not making significant moves.” Despite Wednesday’s rise, Brent has slumped 30 percent from a four-year high above $86 a barrel in early October, pressured by concerns that supply will exceed demand in 2019 as economic growth slows. The slump since October is so far on a par with the 2008 price crash and steeper than that of 2014-2015 – both of which prompted OPEC to agree output curbs to support the market. The OPEC meeting in Vienna will follow a gathering by the Group of 20 (G20) nations in Argentina this weekend, at which oil policy is expected to be discussed, potentially laying the groundwork for an OPEC deal. The market also gained support from a supply outage in the North Sea, home to the crude underpinning the Brent contract. The Buzzard oilfield, the UK’s largest, has closed temporarily after the discovery of pipe corrosion. As a result, trade sources said three December cargoes had been canceled. “Few would bet against further disruptions,” said Stephen Brennock of oil broker PVM, referring to the impact of the outage on cargo loadings. A weekly report showing a rise in U.S. crude stockpiles, the 10th consecutive week of gains, limited the rally. The American Petroleum Institute, an industry group, said on Tuesday U.S. crude stocks rose by 3.5 million barrels, more than analysts had forecast. The government’s official supply report is due later on Wednesday at 1530 GMT.  
