
Posco Daewoo将与文莱石油共同探索LNG业务

中国石化新闻网讯 中国石化新闻网讯 据世界天然气11月28日消息,浦项制铁大宇公司已与文莱国家石油公司(简称文莱石油公司)签署协议,共同在液化天然气领域寻求商机。 根据韩国浦项制铁(Posco)旗下的浦项制铁大宇谅解备忘录,两家公司将携手扩大从天然气勘探到液化和销售的液化天然气价值链。 通过此谅解备忘录,两家公司同意合作勘探与开发文莱国内外上游区块,以及由浦项制铁大宇公司开发Dehwa区块。 此外,浦项制铁大宇公司表示,两家公司将研究投资LNG液化和进口终端、LNG燃料加注和供应等基础设施资产的潜力。 这家韩国公司补充称,它已在去年开始交易液化天然气,并在2018年将其与液化天然气相关的业务销售额扩大至2亿美元以上。 该公司的目标是通过该谅解备忘录扩大价值链,从而推动其天然气电力业务。 曹海斌 摘译自 世界天然气 原文如下: Posco Daewoo to explore LNG business with Petroleum Brunei Posco Daewoo Corporation has signed a deal with Brunei National Petroleum Company (Petroleum Brunei) to jointly pursue business opportunities in the LNG sector. Under the memorandum of understanding Posco Daewoo, a unit of the South Korean steelmaker Posco, the two companies will join forces on expanding the LNG value chain from gas exploration to liquefaction and sales. Through this MOU, both companies agreed to cooperate in the exploration and development of Brunei domestic and overseas blocks in the upstream area, as well as the development of Dehwa area by Posco Daewoo. In addition, Posco Daewoo said the companies will look into the potential of investing in infrastructure assets such as LNG liquefaction and import terminals, LNG bunkering and supply. The South Korean company added that it has started trading LNG during the last year and has expanded its LNG-related business sales to over $200 million in 2018. The company is aiming to boost its gas-to-power business by expanding the value chain through this MoU.  
