

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社新加坡报道,油价周三上涨逾1%,因欧佩克(OPEC)将于下周召开会议,届时欧佩克将决定某种形式的供应削减,以应对出现的供应过剩。交易员表示,英国最大的北海油田因维修而停工也支撑了价格。 在格林尼治时间06:07时,美国西德克萨斯中质原油期货CLc1价格为每桶52.24美元,上涨68美分,较上一次结算上涨1.3%。 国际布伦特原油期货lcoc1上涨了78美分,涨幅1.3%,至每桶60.99美元。 在发现管道腐蚀后,每天产能约15万桶的Buzzard油田暂时关闭,贸易消息人士称,12月起运的三批货物已被取消。 能源咨询公司Trifecta主管Sukrit Vijayakar表示:“关闭导致北海原油供应量减少,而这有助于设定全球价格(他指的是Buzzard油田在布伦特原油期货结算中的作用)。” 尽管周三油价上涨,但受供应过剩和金融市场普遍疲软的拖累,油价自10月初以来仍下跌了约30%。 自10月份以来,原油价格的暴跌幅度与2008年油价暴跌幅度持平,而且比2014、2015年的油价暴跌幅度更大。 尽管多数分析师预计欧佩克会议将出现某种形式的供应削减,但石油市场的信心仍然是负面的。 世界贸易组织(WTO)在周二发布的最新《展望》中表示,“贸易增长可能进一步放缓至2018年第四季度”,增长可能达到2016年10月以来的最低水平。 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: Oil prices climb more than 1 pct on North Sea outage, expected OPEC cuts Oil prices rose by more than 1 percent on Wednesday ahead of an OPEC meeting next week at which the producer club is expected to decide some form of supply cut to counter an emerging glut. The shutdown of Britain’s largest North Sea oilfield for repairs also supported prices, traders said. U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures CLc1 were at $52.24 per barrel at 0607 GMT, up 68 cents, or 1.3 percent from their last settlement. International Brent crude oil futures LCOc1 were up 78 cents, or 1.3 percent, at $60.99 per barrel. The Buzzard oilfield, which pumps about 150,000 barrels per day (bpd) has closed temporarily after the discovery of pipe corrosion. As a result, trade sources said three cargoes due to load in December had been canceled. “The shutdown…is reducing supply of a North Sea crude that helps set global prices,” said Sukrit Vijayakar, director of energy consultancy Trifecta, referring to Buzzards’s role in the settlement of Brent futures. Despite Wednesday’s rise, oil prices have still lost around 30 percent in value since early October, weighed down by an emerging supply overhang and by widespread weakness in financial markets. The crude oil price slump since October is so far on par with the 2008 price crash and steeper than that of 2014/2015. While most analysts expect some form of supply cut from the OPEC meeting, sentiment in oil markets remains negative. The World Trade Organization (WTO) said in its latest outlook, published on Tuesday, that “trade growth is likely to slow further into the fourth quarter of 2018”, with growth likely at its slowest since Oct. 2016. ​  
