
横加公司请求州法院允许对Keystone XL开展初步工作

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社温哥华报道,本月早些时候,美国法官阻止了Keystone XL输油管线(该项目价值80亿美元)的建设,此后,加拿大管道运营商横加公司已请求蒙大拿州法院允许其恢复在Keystone XL输油管线上的施工前活动。 该公司的发言人Terry Cunha在周二表示,由于这项裁决,总部位于艾伯塔的卡尔加里公司暂时停止了在美国的所有管道工程的前期工程。 他补充称,该公司预计,至少在2019年第一季度的下半段时间之前,不会开始全面建设这条1180英里(1900公里)长的输油管道,但拒绝提供更多的时间细节。 Cunha表示:“现在说这项禁令对Keystone XL管道的工期和成本意味着什么还为时过早,但我们仍然相信这个项目会建成。” 蒙大拿州的一名美国法官在11月8日发布了一项禁令,禁止从加拿大到美国的重油管道的建设,该禁令受到了环保组织的赞扬,但遭到了唐纳德·特朗普总统的谴责。 横加公司已经向蒙大拿地区法院提交了一份修正案,以缩小强制令的范围,使其能够继续施工前的工作,如与利益相关方的会议,管道和设备的移动,以及早期的通行权工作。 加拿大是美国进口石油的第一来源,但是该国艾伯塔省(该地区从油砂中提炼出大量沥青)石油管道拥堵,迫使托运人使用成本更高的铁路和卡车。 周二,在多伦多,横加公司的股价上涨0.72%,以53.5加元收盘。 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: TransCanada asks Montana court to allow preliminary work on Keystone XL TransCanada Corp has asked a Montana court to allow it to resume pre-construction activities on its Keystone XL oil pipeline after a U.S. judge blocked construction on the $8 billion project earlier this month. The Calgary, Alberta-based company has temporarily halted all pre-construction work in the United States on the pipeline project as a result of the ruling, TransCanada spokesman Terry Cunha said on Tuesday. He added that the company does not expect to start full construction on the 1,180 mile (1,900 km) pipeline until “at least the second half of the first quarter of 2019,” but declined to provide further details on timing. “It is too soon to say what the injunction will mean to the timeline and cost of the Keystone XL pipeline but we remain confident the project will be built,” Cunha said. A U.S. judge in Montana issued an injunction on Nov. 8 blocking construction of the heavy crude pipeline from Canada to the United States, drawing praise from environmental groups and a rebuke from President Donald Trump. TransCanada has filed an amendment with the Montana District Court to narrow the scope of the injunction to allow it to continue pre-construction work like meetings with stakeholders, the movement of pipe and equipment, and early right-of-way work. Canada is the No.1 source of oil imported to the United States, but congested pipelines in Alberta, where heavy bitumen is extracted from the oil sands, have forced shippers to use costlier rail and trucks. Shares of TransCanada closed up 0.72 percent at C$53.50 on Tuesday in Toronto. ​
