

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社华盛顿报道,美国环保局(EPA)官员周二对路透社表示,该机构拒绝了玉米游说团体提出的要求,即将在其小型炼油厂豁免计划下放弃的生物燃料重新分配到2019年的任务中。 此举可能激怒强大的玉米游说团体和美国农业部的高级官员,他们数月来一直抱怨,在特朗普政府的领导下扩大环保局的炼油厂豁免计划,威胁到对玉米乙醇等关键农产品的需求。 根据美国的可再生燃料标准,炼油企业必须每年将越来越多的生物燃料混合到燃料中,或者从那些使用生物燃料的炼油厂购买混合信贷。但是,如果小型炼油厂证明遵守这些规定会给它们带来财务压力,它们就可以免受RFS的约束。 这位官员还表示,2019年生物燃料年度授权数据将在很大程度上与该机构6月份提出的198.8亿加仑的建议一致。 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: Exclusive: EPA will not reallocate waived biofuel volumes to 2019 – official The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has rejected requests from the corn lobby to reallocate biofuel volumes waived under its small refinery exemption program into its 2019 mandate, an agency official told Reuters on Tuesday. The move is likely to infuriate the powerful corn lobby and top officials in the U.S. Department of Agriculture, who have complained for months that an expansion of the EPA’s refinery waiver program under the Trump administration threatens demand for crucial farm products like corn-based ethanol. Under the U.S. Renewable Fuel Standard, oil refiners must blend increasing amounts of biofuels into their fuel each year or purchase blending credits from those that do. But small refineries can be exempted from the RFS if they prove that complying would cause them financial strain. The official also said the 2019 annual biofuel mandate figures were set to be largely in line with the agency’s June proposal of 19.88 billion gallons. ​  
