

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社爱丁堡报道,周三,六家主要的石油和天然气公司宣布计划研究英国首个围绕工业区的商业碳捕获、储存和使用设施的开发。 这项可行性研究由石油和天然气气候倡议(OGCI)投资机构进行,该倡议旨在为石油和天然气行业开发低碳解决方案。 OGCI气候投资机构在一份声明中称,为了推进该项目,英国石油公司、意大利埃尼、挪威国家石油公司、美国西方石油公司、荷兰皇家壳牌和法国道达尔组成了一个战略伙伴关系。 位于英格兰东北部的Teeside清洁气体项目,将捕获天然气(污染最小的化石燃料)发电厂排放的二氧化碳。该地区的工业综合体也将能够捕获和储存它们排放的二氧化碳。 然后,压缩后的二氧化碳将通过管道输送到北海南部的一个地层中进行储存。根据OGCI的说法,清洁的二氧化碳也可以被要求生产二氧化碳的公司使用。 该报表未包括项目的时间表或费用估计数。 碳捕获、储存和使用(CCSU)被视为一项关键技术,以达到联合国支持的目标,即在本世纪末将全球变暖控制在1.5摄氏度,以应对气候变化。 对能源公司来说,CCSU尤其重要,他们表示,天然气将在任何低碳未来发挥重要作用。 英国政府周三还宣布,计划在本世纪20年代中期帮助开发该国第一个大型CCSU项目。 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: Energy firms to study Britain’s first commercial CO2 capture project Six major oil and gas companies announced plans on Wednesday to study the development of a Britain’s first commercial carbon capture, storage and use facility around an industrial zone. The feasibility study comes under the investment arm of the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI), which seeks to develop low-carbon solutions for the industry, one of the world’s biggest polluters. To advance the project, BP, Italy’s Eni, Norway’s Equinor, Houston-based Occidental Petroleum, Royal Dutch Shell and France’s Total formed a strategic partnership, the OGCI Climate Investments said in a statement. The Clean Gas Project in Teeside, in northeast England, will capture carbon dioxide emitted from a power plant fired by natural gas, the least polluting fossil fuel. Industrial complexes in the area will also be able to capture and store CO2 they emitted. The compressed CO2 will then be transported by pipeline for storage in a formation under the southern North Sea. The clean CO2 could also be used by companies requiring CO2 for their production, according to the OGCI. The statement did not include a timeline or cost estimate for the project. Carbon capture, storage and use (CCSU) is seen as a key technology to reach the U.N.-backed goals to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius by the end of the century to fight climate change. CCSU is particularly important for energy companies that say natural gas will play a major role in any low-carbon future. The British government on Wednesday also announced plans to help develop the country’s first large-scale CCSU project by the mid-2020s. ​  
