

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯11月28日消息,战略与国际研究中心的Andrew Stanley表示,对于沙特阿拉伯和欧佩克来说,在第四季油价暴跌之后,要平衡石油市场,可能没有什么简单的解决方案。这是因为他所说的美国因素的不可预测性,斯坦利认为,这一因素目前还不太可能消失。近几个月来,美国已成为全球最大的石油生产国。尽管人们预计基础设施瓶颈将阻碍美国石油生产商,但去年美国石油产量增长6%,2018年有望实现8%的增长。 庞晓华 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Rebalancing Oil Market May Not Be Easy for OPEC There may not be any easy solutions for Saudi Arabia and OPEC to balance oil markets following 4Q’s price plunge, says Andrew Stanley of the Center For Strategic and International Studies. That’s because of what he calls unpredictable US dynamics, a factor Stanley contends is unlikely to fade away just yet. America has become the world’s biggest oil producer in recent months, with last year’s 6% output increase poised to be followed by 8% growth for 2018 despite expectations that infrastructure bottlenecks would impede US producers.  
