中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社11月27日巴黎报道,法国石油和能源巨头道达尔公司(Total)27日在巴黎表示,由于石油工人罢工,道达尔公司已开始暂停位于巴黎郊区诺曼底的一家炼油厂的生产。 道达尔公司补充称,来自其麾下Grandpuit炼油厂和Feyzin炼油厂的精炼石油产品的交付也因石油工人罢工而受阻。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Oil group Total says strikes impacting Normandy, Grandpuits and Feyzin sites French oil and energy company Total said it had started a process to suspend production at a refinery in Normandy due to a strike. Total added that deliveries of refined products from the Grandpuits and Feyzin sites had also been blocked due to strikes.