

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯11月27日伦敦报道,伊拉克石油部发言人周二在巴格达表示,伊拉克日前已完成2019年的原油定期合同,其中67%的原油出口将流向亚洲。 伊拉克石油部发言人阿萨姆·吉哈德在一份声明中说:“在伊拉克明年计划的原油出口全部数量中的占比分别为:亚洲市场(67%)、欧洲市场(20%)和美国市场(13%)。” 杰哈德说,伊拉克石油部批准了伊拉克国家石油销售组织(SOMO)经手合同的数量分配。 这些交易涉及巴士拉轻质原油、巴士拉重型原油和基尔库克原油的出口。伊拉克石油部没有提供合同期限的进一步细节。 市场对中质含硫原油的地区性需求有所增长。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Iraq finalizes 2019 crude oil term deals, 67% to go Asia Iraq has finalized its 2019 crude oil term contracts, with 67% of its exports poised to go to Asia, an oil ministry spokesman said Tuesday. “The percentage of the total quantities planned for export next year 2019: the Asian market (67%) and the European market (20%) and the US market (13%),” the spokesman, Assem Jihad, said in a statement.Jihad said the ministry approved the allocation of quantities for the contracts handled by Iraq’s State Oil Marketing Organization. The deals involve the exports of Basrah Light, Basrah Heavy and Kirkuk crude. The ministry did not give further details of the term contracts.  
