

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯11月26日休斯顿报道称,由来自美国,墨西哥和加拿大的代表们敲定的新自由贸易协定可以证明从长远来看对美国能源产业有利,尽管一些行业贸易协会的官员担心,挥之不去的三国贸易问题仍将给美国电力和石油天然气行业带来麻烦。 预计三国领导人将签署美国 – 墨西哥 – 加拿大贸易协定(USMCA),以取代现有的北美自由贸易协定,该协议将于11月30日在布宜诺斯艾利斯举行的G20峰会上签署。 根据协议的一项附件,各方保证,将确保任何关于进入或使用输电设施和管道网络的措施“既不过分歧视也不过分优惠”。 此外,根据协议,美国“应确保Bonneville电力管理局的联锁电力网准入政策为不列颠哥伦比亚省的水电公司提供的优惠待遇,不逊于对太平洋西北地区以外的公用事业提供的最优惠待遇。” 在最近的一份声明中,美国石油协会(API)表示支持USMCA并敦促国会通过该协议。API认为该协议的主要条款是:美国天然气和石油产品的持续市场准入,以及对加拿大和墨西哥的投资;继续对天然气和石油产品征收零关税;要求墨西哥保持至少目前对美国能源投资的开放程度。 徐蕾 摘译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Energy industry reacts with guarded optimism to USMCA trade deal A new free trade agreement hammered out by representatives from the US, Mexico and Canada should prove beneficial in the long run to the US energy industry, although officials of some industry trade associations worry that lingering trade issues among the three countries still could spell trouble for the US electric power and oil and gas sectors. Leaders of the three nations are expected to sign the US-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement to replace the existing North American Free Trade Agreement, at the Group of 20 leaders’ summit in Buenos Aires, which begins November 30. Under an annex to the agreement, each party guarantees that it will ensure that any measures governing access to or use of electric transmission facilities and pipeline networks are “neither unduly discriminatory nor unduly preferential.” In addition, under the deal, the US “shall ensure that the Intertie Access Policy of the Bonneville Power Administration affords British Columbia Hydro treatment no less favorable than the most favorable treatment afforded to utilities located outside the Pacific Northwest.” In a recent statement, the American Petroleum Institute expressed its support of the USMCA and urged Congress to pass the agreement. The API cited as key provisions of the agreement: continued market access for US natural gas and oil products, and investments in Canada and Mexico; continued zero tariffs on natural gas and oil products; and a requirement that Mexico retain at least current level of openness to US energy investment.  
