

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社11月26日报道称,印度最大的炼油商印度石油公司计划购买两批液化天然气货物,将于2019年1月交付使用。 路透社援引行业消息人士的话称,这两批货物将以DES(目的港船上交货)的形式运往古吉拉特邦。 交付日期设置为1月7日至1月14日以及1月21日至1月28日。 投标截止至11月27日,提交投标的截止日期为同一天。 徐蕾 摘译自 世界天然气 原文如下: Indian Oil Corp floats tender for two LNG cargoes India’s biggest refiner, Indian Oil Corp, is reportedly looking to buy a couple of cargoes of liquefied natural gas for delivery during January 2019. Citing industry sources, Reuters reports the two cargoes are to be supplied on a DES (delivered ex-ship) basis, to Gujarat. The two delivery windows are set for January 7 to January 14 and from January 21 to January 28. The tender for the delivery is valid until November 27 with the deadline for submitting the bids is set for the same day.
