

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源咨询11月27日迪拜报道,沙特阿拉伯国家石油公司(沙特阿美)首席执行官阿敏·纳赛尔周二在迪拜举行的海湾石化和化工协会会议上表示,沙特阿美的天然气目标是在未来10年里投资近1600亿美元把天然气产量提高64%。 纳赛尔说:“在未来10年里,我们的天然气项目将吸引近1600亿美元的投资,天然气日产量将从目前的140亿立方米增加到近230亿立方米。” 他说:“从现在起大约10年的时间里,沙特阿美的天然气日产能将达到250亿立方米。” 纳赛尔说,非常规天然气资源将越来越多地被用于补充传统资源。在整个海湾地区,非常规天然气勘探的投资大幅增加,阿联酋本月宣布与国际投资者达成了几笔引人注目的交易。 纳赛尔表示,沙特阿美今后所增加的天然气产量将用于帮助化工行业增加燃料产量。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Saudi Aramco eyes 64% increase in gas production over next 10 years Saudi Aramco’s gas program is targeting almost $160 billion of investment in the next 10 years and an output increase of 64%, CEO Amin Nasser announced at the Gulf Petrochemicals and Chemical Association conference in Dubai Tuesday. “Our gas program will attract almost $160 billion of investment in the next 10 years, with production reaching close to 23 billion cubic meters/day, from a current rate of 14 billion cu m/day,” Nasser said. “And the capacity will be approximately 10 years from now [at] 25 billion cu m/day.” Nasser said unconventional gas resources will be increasingly used to complement conventional sources. Across the Gulf region there has been significant uptick in investment in unconventional gas exploration, with the UAE announcing several high-profile deals with international investors this month. Aramco’s increased gas production will be used to help fuel growth in the chemicals sector, Nasser said.
