

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社11月26日墨西哥城报道,根据墨西哥国家石油公司Pemex周一发布数据,该公司原油产量在10月份下降到每天176万桶,与去年同期相比下降了7%以上。 10月份的原油产量是自1990年(当时开始有公开的记录)以来最低的月度产量之一。 10月份原油出口也下降到每天103万桶,比2017年同期下降了约四分之一。 自9月以来,这家陷入困境的墨西哥石油巨头只向国际客户出口了玛雅重级原油,同时它停止了奥尔梅卡和依斯莫斯级原油的运输,而是将这些原油送到国内炼油厂进行加工。 墨西哥国家石油公司官员曾表示,延长产量下滑是由于其主要油田的自然衰减,以及近年来预算的削减,影响了该公司的勘探和生产活动。 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: Crude oil output, exports drop in October for Mexico’s Pemex Mexican national oil company Pemex’s crude output dipped to 1.76 million barrels per day (bpd) in October, down more than 7 percent compared with the same month last year, according to company data released on Monday. October crude output marked one of the lowest monthly production levels since 1990, when publicly accessible records begin. Crude exports also fell in October to reach 1.03 million bpd, down by about a quarter compared with the same month in 2017. Since September, the ailing Mexican oil giant has only exported its Maya heavy grade to international customers, as it stopped shipping barrels of its lighter Olmeca and Isthmus grades and instead directing those barrels to its domestic refineries for processing. Pemex officials have said that the extended output slide is due to the natural decline of its major fields as well as budget cuts in recent years that have crimped its exploration and production activities.​  
