

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯11月23日伦敦报道,没有受到俄罗斯出口下降趋势帮助的欧洲燃料油市场的需求继续超过供应,从而支撑该地区强劲的现货溢价。 据俄罗斯能源部下属统计机构中央调度室周四公布的统计数据,俄罗斯10月份燃料油出口下降至223.3万吨,环比下降了11%,同比大幅下降了近24%。 今年冬天,由于炼油企业升级他们的炼油厂来限制燃料油产量转而青睐更轻、更有价值的产品,来自俄罗斯的燃料油出口不断减少冲击了欧洲的燃料油市场,导致该地区出现了明显的、非季节性的现货溢价。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Dwindling Russian fuel oil exports support Northwest European backwardation Demand continued to outstrip supply in the European fuel oil market, not helped by the downward trajectory of Russian exports, supporting the strong backwardation in the region. Russian exports declined to 2.233 million mt in October, down 11% month on month and almost 24% on the year, according to data released Thursday by the Central Dispatching Unit, the statistical arm of the Russian energy ministry. The dwindling supply from Russia as refiners upgrade their plants to limit fuel oil in favor of lighter, more valuable products has hit the European fuel oil market this winter, contributing to the pronounced and unseasonal backwardation in the region.  
