

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯11月23日伦敦报道,Proman首席执行官大卫·卡西迪日前表示,虽然欧洲和亚洲甲醇现货价格的下跌趋势影响了2018年最后一个季度的市场气氛,但2019年预计将是甲醇市场的一个好年头。 卡西迪周四接受标普全球普氏能源资讯记者采访时表示:“油价波动抑制了进入第一季度的期望值——我们很可能将会看到价格走软,但是明年全球甲醇年市场应该会强劲。” 普氏能源资讯(Platts)的统计数据显示,本月亚洲甲醇现货价格大幅下跌,周五CFR中国市场最后被估值为290美元/吨,低于11月初的387美元/吨。 卡西迪说,尽管存在政治上不确定性以及英国脱欧及其对英镑的影响等持续问题,但对甲醇市场的整体信心依然强劲。 随着今年新厂的投产,全球甲醇产能有所增加,但市场参与者预计,来自传统和能源应用的全球需求同比将增加3-4%。 在亚洲市场,业内人士早些时候曾预测,中国的Connell化学公司位于中国东北部吉林省的甲醇制烯烃(MTO)装置计划在2019年初投产。30万吨/年的MTO装置预计将年消耗100万吨甲醇。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Global methanol markets expected to be robust in 2019: Proman CEO While a downtrend in methanol spot prices in both Europe and Asia has impacted market sentiment in the final quarter of 2018, 2019 is expected to be a good year for the methanol market, according to Proman CEO David Cassidy. “Oil price volatility put a dampener on expectations moving into Q1 — probably we will see a softening of prices, but the market should be robust next year,” Cassidy told S&P Global Platts in an interview Thursday. According to Platts data, methanol spot prices in Asia have declined significantly this month, with the CFR China market last assessed at $290/mt Friday, down from $387/mt at the beginning of November. Cassidy said that despite political uncertainty and ongoing issues including Brexit and its impact on the UK pound, overall confidence in the methanol market remains strong. Global methanol capacity has increased with new plants coming online this year, but market participants expect global demand from both traditional and energy applications to grow 3-4% year on year. In the Asian market, industry sources earlier predicted China’s Connell Chemical’s methanol-to-olefins unit, based in the Northeast province of Jilin, had plans to begin operations in early 2019. The 300,000 mt/year MTO is expected to consume 1 million mt/year of methanol.  
