

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯11月23日消息,英国石油公司(BP)周五宣布,英国数十年来最大之一的新石油开发项目已经投产,标志着这个用时七年、投入数十亿美元的项目终于完成。 这个位于北海的Clair Ridge的大型石油开发项目将提振英国石油行业产量。英国石油产量在2000年前后见顶,随后逐年下滑。 曾被认为开发难度太大的石油项目现在已成为英国的一个关键增长点。以Clair Ridge为例,这个项目是1977年首次发现的一块油田的一部分,据估计总储量为70亿桶,但多年来的实践证明,这个项目开发难度很大,成本也很高。 直到2005年,这块油田的第一个项目才开始生产,最新阶段的开发于2011年获得批准。BP与荷兰皇家壳牌集团、雪佛龙公司和康菲石油公司为扩大这块油田的产出已联手投入了超过58亿美元资金。 Clair Ridge的产量峰值预计为12万桶/天,生产年限预计为40年。上述公司正在评估该油田第三阶段项目的潜力,以便进一步扩大产量。 唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: BP Starts Production at Massive North Sea Oil Development BP PLC has begun production from one of the U.K.’s biggest new oil developments in decades, the company said Friday, completing a project seven years and billions of dollars in the making. The huge Clair Ridge project, located in the North Sea, will give a boost to the U.K.’s oil sector, where production peaked around 2000 before going into years of decline. Once thought too difficult to develop, it’s now a key area of growth for the U.K. For instance, the Clair Ridge development is part of a field that was first discovered in 1977 — an estimated 7 billion barrel whale that for years proved too challenging and costly to exploit. It took until 2005 for the first project on the field to start producing, with the latest stage of development approved in 2011. BP and its partners — Royal Dutch Shell PLC, Chevron Corp. and ConocoPhillips — poured more than $5.8 billion into expanding the field’s output. Clair Ridge is expected to reach a production plateau at a peak of 120,000 barrels of oil a day and is designed to run for 40 years. The companies are currently evaluating the potential for a third project within the field to expand output even further.  
