

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社巴黎报道,法国左翼工会CGT上周五表示,如果管理层拒绝就奖金问题进行谈判,它将于周一下午呼吁其成员关闭道达尔公司在法国的三家炼油厂的业务。 上周五,法国七家炼油厂中的四家发生了第三天的石油工业工人罢工,工会敦促员工加紧封锁,迫使工厂停止生产。 CGT发言人Thierry Defresne表示,工会将在周六提出与道达尔管理层谈判奖金的最终方案。 CGT和其他强硬派工会已经呼吁罢工工人加紧封锁炼油厂和燃料仓库,迫使企业面临供应短缺。 Defresne上周五早些时候告诉路透社,道达尔位于巴黎南部的大普伊特炼油厂(工人仍在罢工的炼油厂之一)被完全封锁,原油只够继续运作到周日中午。 他在上周五晚些时候称,工会允许在格兰普茨和诺曼底炼油厂交付原油,以便在周一之前保持产量下降。 但一位道达尔发言人表示,法国CIM石油储存和调度服务公司(该公司向道达尔和埃克森美孚运营的炼油厂供应原油)目前工作正常。 她说:“虽然大普伊特炼油厂燃料交付被阻止,但道达尔否认了大普伊特炼油厂将会耗尽原油,迫使停产的事实。” 关于工资和奖金的罢工增加了燃料公司面临的挑战,这些公司还面临着来自“黄背心”运动的抗议,这“黄背心”反对更高的燃料税,并在本周零星地封锁了油库。 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: French union threatens refinery shutdown as pay strike extended Hard-left French trade union CGT said on Friday it will call on its members to shut down operations at three of Total SA’s refineries in France on Monday afternoon if a final proposal to negotiate bonuses is rejected by management. Oil industry workers were on strike for a third day on Friday at four of France’s seven refineries and unions urged employees to step up blockades to force the plants to halt production. CGT spokesman Thierry Defresne said the union will make a final proposal to negotiate bonuses with Total’s management on Saturday. The CGT and fellow hard-left union FO have called on striking workers to step up blockades of refineries and fuel depots so companies are faced with supply shortages. Defresne told Reuters earlier on Friday that Total’s Grandpuits refinery south of Paris, one of the refineries where workers remain on strike, was completely blocked and had only enough crude to continue functioning until Sunday midday. He said later on Friday that the union had allowed crude deliveries at Grandpuits and Normandy refineries to keep them running at reduced output until Monday. But a Total spokeswoman said France’s CIM oil storage and dispatch services company, which supplies crude to refineries operated by Total and Exxon Mobil Corp, was working normally. “Total denies the fact that the Grandpuits refinery will run out of crude, forcing a shutdown,” she said, although she said outbound deliveries of fuel from Grandpuits were blocked. The strike over pay and bonuses adds to challenges confronting fuel companies, which are also facing protests from the “yellow vest” movement of citizens who oppose higher fuel taxes and have sporadically blockaded oil depots this week. ​  
