

中国石化新闻网讯 据世界天然气11月23日报道称,特立尼达和多巴哥的独立天然气生产商,德国Proman的子公司DeNovo 能源公司,开始从特立尼达西海岸的Iguana气田开始商业供应天然气。 DeNovo 能源在其声明中表示,该气田于1982年首次被发现,但一直被搁置超过34年。 该气田于2016年投入运营后,公司开始了对该气田的开发,使其成为该国首个被开发的西海岸天然气田。 DeNovo能源公司表示,将通过特立尼达和多巴哥国家天然气公司(NGC)每天从该气田输送8000万立方英尺的标准天然气,供 Pt. Lisas工业园区的石油化工厂使用。 新的产量意味着特立尼达和多巴哥继续努力扭转不利的天然气生产趋势。 徐蕾 摘译自 世界天然气 原文如下: Trinidad and Tobago: DeNovo supplies first Iguana gas Trinidad and Tobago’s independent natural gas producer DeNovo Energy, unit of Germany’s Proman, started commercial supply of natural gas from the Iguana field off Trinidad’s west coast. The field was first discovered in 1982 but remained undeveloped for over 34 years DeNovo Energy said in its statement. The company sett off with the development of the field when it became operator in 2016, making it the first west coast natural gas field to be developed in the country. DeNovo said it will be delivering 80 million standard cubic feet of gas per day from the field for use by the petrochemical plants on the Pt. Lisas Industrial Estate through the National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago (NGC). New volumes mean the continuation of Trinidad and Tobago’s efforts to reverse the negative natural gas production trend.  
