

中国石化新闻网讯 据印度报业托拉斯(Press Trust of India)11月21日新德里报道,据知情人士透露,印度国有石油天然气公司(ONGC)的天然气产量达到历史最高水平,每天约7000万标准立方米,因为它加倍努力提高国内产量以抑制进口。 消息人士称,印度石油天然气公司去年11月生产了约6400万标准立方米的天然气,今年产量接近70万标准立方米。 在考虑到内部消耗之后,约56 万标准立方米的天然气销售也处于历史最高水平。 如果该公司获得市场价格,未来1-2年产量可提高24-25万标准立方米,这将使在东部安得拉邦外海和西海岸古吉拉特邦和孟买外海发现的约350亿立方米的可采储量在经济上可行。 天然气是世界上增长最快的主要能源。它是最清洁燃烧的石油基燃料,具有广泛的应用 – 从用于发电到汽车运行(CNG)和烧制厨房灶具。 为了减少对进口的依赖,以满足能源需求和减少温室气体排放,印度正在考虑增加天然气消费量,使其在能源篮中的份额在未来几年内增加一倍以上,达到15%。 李方征 编译自 PTI 原文如下: ONGC’s natural gas production at all-time high of 70 mmscmd State-owned Oil and Natural Gas Corp’s (ONGC) natural gas production has hit an all-time high of about 70 million standard cubic meters per day as it doubles up efforts to raise domestic output to curb imports, sources privy to the development said. ONGC produced about 64 million standard cubic meters per day (mmscmd) of gas in November last year and this year the output is close to touching 70 mmscmd, sources said. After accounting for internal consumption, gas sales at about 56 mmscmd too are at an all-time high. The output can rise by 24-25 mmscmd in next 1-2 years if the company gets market price, that will make about 35 billion cubic meters of recoverable reserves in discoveries in the shallow sea off Andhra Pradesh on the east and off Gujarat and Mumbai on the west coast blocks economically viable. Natural gas is the fastest growing primary energy source in the world. It is the cleanest burning petroleum-based fuel and has wide applications — from being used to generate electricity to the running of automobiles (CNG) and firing kitchen stoves. With a view to reducing dependence on imports for meeting energy needs and cutting greenhouse emissions, India is looking at increasing consumption of natural gas by more than doubling its share in energy basket to 15 per cent in next few years.  
