

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社11月20日报道,由私人股本公司Carlyle集团控股的罗马尼亚黑海石油天然气公司表示,该公司与苏伊士环能集团麾下子公司罗马尼亚Engie能源管理公司签署了天然气销售协议,从Midia天然气开发项目(MGD)获得天然气供应。 该公司表示,伊士环能集团将在至少10年的时间内从Ana和Doina的气藏中购买天然气,预计项目完成时的合同数量为每年5亿立方米,同时,协议将取决于项目的最终投资决定。 黑海石油天然气公司首席执行官Mark Beacom称,国会最近通过的一项海外法案对该项目经济可行性的评估,仍然是决定是否做出最终投资决定的“关键部分”。 MGD将包括5口海上生产井,一个海底天然气生产系统,一个海上生产平台,一条126公里的海上和陆上天然气输送管道和一个陆上天然气处理厂。 早在2017年,黑海石油天然气公司曾表示,计划在2019年开始在罗马尼亚境外的两个气田启动生产,成为首个开发该国近海资源的公司。 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: Black Sea Oil & Gas signs Romanian gas sales agreement with Engie Romanian-based Black Sea Oil & Gas, controlled by private equity firm Carlyle Group LP. Says signs gas sales agreement with ENGIE through its subsidiary Engie Energy Management Romania for natural gas supply from the Midia Gas Development Project (MGD). Says ENGIE will purchase gas from the Ana and Doina gas reservoirs over a minimum of 10 years. Says expected contractual volumes at project completion represent 0,5 bcm per year. Says agreement is subject to a final investment decision regarding the project. Black Sea Oil & Gas CEO Mark Beacom says an assessment of an offshore bill recently approved by parliament on the project’s economic viability remains “a key part” in determining whether a final investment decision will be made. MGD will consist of five offshore production wells, a subsea gas production system, an offshore production platform, a 126 km offshore and onshore gas transmission pipeline and an onshore gas treatment plant. In 2017, Black Sea Oil & Gas said it aimed to start production at two gas fields off Romania by 2019, becoming the first company to tap the country’s offshore resources. ​  
