

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社11月20日新加坡报道,由于预计欧佩克将出台新的产量限制措施,石油价格在周二早些时候被压低,在股市大范围抛售的压力下,周二油价下跌。 格林尼治标准时间0752时,国际原油价格基准布伦特原油期货价格为每桶66.37美元,比上次收盘时下跌了42美分,跌幅为0.6%。 美国西德克萨斯中间原油期货价格为每桶56.94美元,比上一次结算低26美分,跌幅为0.5%。 由于供应飙升(尤其是来自美国的供应)以及全球贸易放缓,石油价格比10月初的峰值低了约四分之一。 美国原油产量今年飙升了近25%,达到创纪录的每天1170万桶。 与此同时,市场普遍预期经济将放缓,周二亚洲股市再次下跌,而前一天华尔街股市大幅下跌。 在不确定的情况下,金融交易员已对石油市场持谨慎态度,因为美国页岩油产量的增长以及经济前景的恶化,将带来进一步的价格下行风险。 过去7周,投资组合经理出售了相当于5.53亿桶的原油和燃料,这是自至少2013年以来,可比时期内的最大降幅。 目前,基金持有的净多头仓位仅为5.47亿桶,不到9月底11亿桶峰值水平的一半,更低于1月份创纪录的14.84亿桶。 代表石油消费者利益的国际能源机构(IEA)周一警告欧佩克和其他生产商减少供应的“负面影响”,许多分析师担心原油价格的飙升可能侵蚀消费。 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: Oil prices slip amid broad market sell-off that outweighs expected OPEC cuts Oil fell on Tuesday, folding under the weight of a broad stock market sell-off that undercut support to prices earlier in the day from expectations that OPEC will introduce new output curbs. Brent crude oil futures, the international benchmark for oil prices, were at $66.37 a barrel at 0752 GMT, down 42 cents, or 0.6 percent, from their last close. U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures were at $56.94 per barrel, 26 cents, or 0.5 percent, below their last settlement. Oil prices are around a quarter below their recent peaks in early October, weighed down by surging supply, especially from the United States, as well as a slowdown in global trade. U.S. crude oil production has soared by almost 25 percent this year, to a record 11.7 million barrels per day (bpd). That comes amid widespread market expectations of an economic slowdown, which saw Asian stock markets tumble again on Tuesday, adding to sharp losses on Wall Street the previous day. Amid the uncertainty, financial traders have become wary of oil markets, seeing further price downside risks from the growth in U.S. shale production as well as the deteriorating economic outlook. Portfolio managers have sold the equivalent of 553 million barrels of crude and fuels in the last seven weeks, the largest reduction over a comparable period since at least 2013. Funds now hold a net long position of just 547 million barrels, less than half the recent peak of 1.1 billion at the end of September, and down from a record 1.484 billion in January. The International Energy Agency (IEA), which represents the interest of oil consumers, on Monday warned OPEC and other producers of the “negative implications” of supply cuts, with many analysts fearing that a spike in crude prices could erode consumption. ​
