中国石化新闻网讯 据《石油世界》11月19日巴黎报道,法国环境部长弗朗索瓦•德•鲁吉周日在巴黎表示,法国计划在2035年前把核电站发电的比例从目前的75%降至50%。 法国政府很久以前就制订了把本国对核能的依存度降低到50%的计划,但实现这一目标的最后期限仍然不明确。 人们期待已久的法国政府将于本月晚些时候公布有关法国长期能源战略的最新进展,更详细地阐述法国将如何削减核能在其发电中的比例。 鲁吉在接受CNews电视转播的数家媒体记者采访时说,2035年是法国政府考虑的时间表。“这是我们工作的最后期限,”鲁吉如是说。 李峻 编译自 石油世界 原文如下: France to cut nuclear energy reliance by 2035 – minister France aims to reduce the share of electricity produced by nuclear reactors to 50 percent from 75 percent now by 2035, Environment Minister Francois de Rugy said on Sunday.
The French government has long outlined plans to shrink the country’s reliance on nuclear energy to 50 percent, though the deadline for that goal had remained less clear.
A long-awaited government update on France’s long-term energy strategy is expected to be released later this month, setting out in greater detail how it will cut the share of nuclear in its power generation.
De Rugy said 2035 was the timeframe the government had in mind.
“That’s the deadline we’re working with,” he said in an interview with several media outlets televised by CNews.