

中国石化新闻网讯 据WENews 网站11月18日奥斯陆报道,挪威著名石油公司阿克尔BP公司(阿克尔BP)日前在奥斯陆表示,该公司从明年起将成为挪威第一家从陆上控制一个永久载人海上作业平台的石油公司。 远程控制的海上作业平台可以用更少的人员完成其在海上需要完成的作业,而其他石油公司时下也希望这样做来降低生产成本。 阿克尔BP表示,挪威石油安全监管机构周三批准了阿克尔BP在位于北海的伊瓦尔阿森油田(Ivar Aasen oilfield)更换控制系统的计划。 阿克尔BP的发言人Ole-Johan Faret在给路透社的电子邮件中说,这将是挪威首个从陆上控制的海上载人作业平台。 挪威最大的石油和天然气公司Equinor去年在其海上瓦莱蒙油田开始远程运营,但该平台上只定期安排工人。 李峻 编译自 WENews 原文如下: Offshore Platforms Controlled from Land Aker BP said it will become the first oil company in Norway to control operations of a permanently manned offshore platform from land from next year. Operating platforms remotely can be done with fewer staff than doing it offshore and other oil companies are also looking to do so to reduce production costs. Aker BP said Norway’s oil safety watchdog on Wednesday approved the company’s plans to switch controls at its Ivar Aasen oilfield in the North Sea. “It will be the first operation platform in Norway to be controlled from onshore,” Aker BP’s spokesman Ole-Johan Faret said in an email to Reuters. Norway’s largest oil and gas firm Equinor started remote operations of is Valemon field last year, but that platform only has workers on board periodically.  
